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Submitted By Alexander Weiss (Funbruk)


This is my first dock icon, it consists of alterations of an iPhone-like chat icon.
I hope you like it, but if you think it's not perfect yet, tell me and I'll try to make it better!

The original icon (the Online icon) was made by


v 1.1 - Connecting icon (the offline icon with a loader on top) updated: a new loader; the apple loader (boot, safari etc.)
v 1.0 - Initial release.



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by greatcaffeine on 07/05/07 at 18:34:05

Great icons, very clean! 5 ducks!

# by Funbruk on 07/05/07 at 20:00:52

Thank you very much!

# by lolamione on 07/06/07 at 18:14:08

Looks great (:

# by michelebugliaro on 07/08/07 at 13:09:46

very nice, 5 ducks.

# by xSpikex on 07/14/07 at 10:49:56

great idea with the bubble in- and outside the main icon!

# by Mistron on 08/01/07 at 15:26:34

Amasing icon, beats all of the others that used to use! 5 ducks all of the way!

I could like offline a bit better though.

# by mcnalzer on 08/05/07 at 18:49:46

very nice, 5 ducks

# by Mistron on 08/10/07 at 15:47:30

Wha! Top 3 fast.
I can understand it though.
Only Icon i ever use (as I said before).
Make more sets based off of this icon!

# by Funbruk on 08/10/07 at 15:51:55

Thank you very much for ratings and downloading it!

Uhm, what would you like to see? recoules, different ways to show you status?

# by saley007 on 08/22/07 at 10:12:25

I really like the design of this dock icon but I think you need to make it red when you go offline. It would then tie in with the same status icons and would just look a lot more fluid and crisp. Otherwise I think it is great. If you could make a Menu Icon too that would be wonderful because then it would all tie in perfectly! Keep up the good work.

# by e.Howl on 09/14/07 at 09:03:03

Are you able to create another identical set but replacing the green colour with blue colour instead?

# by fish3k1 on 02/16/08 at 10:56:40


# by Nakimi69 on 05/28/08 at 16:54:06

nice dock icons .... how about putting an exclamation point in the alert icon? would help make it stand out more... :)

# by prairie_grrrrl on 01/15/09 at 14:10:52

Anyone know why my dock icon goes back to the duck when I close the program?? Shouldn't it still be this icon?

# by davietunez on 08/29/09 at 13:23:38

on the massage icon you should have the little red circle that shows how many massages you received, just like the iPhone have.

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411.99kb (20754 downloads)

4.00 / 214 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 07/05/07
©2007 Alexander Weiss
Original (online) icon by