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Synthetic Synths

Synthetic Synths

Submitted By Brady Lee (SyntheticFrost)


Synthetic Synths, previously Simple Synths, is the 1st set in the "Synthetic" series, and was the very first soundset I created.

"Before the Frost, before the Myst, and before the Bells, there was a more primitive existence. Simplistic yet aware. Was this the birth of some form of intelligence? Was it trying to communicate? Or had it already grasped the concepts of something... More? Only time itself knows."

Designed to be an elegant yet simple soundset for those who want a melodic yet short set of alerts for Adium, Synthetic Synths is easy on the ears without straying very far from the formula.

Thank you all so very much for all the support you've given. Please if you would, leave your feedback so I may continue to improve these sets.

I realize the name changes are confusing to a lot of users. Trust me, I didn't wish to confuse anyone. I just wanted to group these sets into one theme for a larger, more long term roadmap. Bear with me here, folks.

Hope you like it.



Changes in 1.1
- Renamed from Simple Synths to Synthetic Synths to comply to new structural model based on series themes.

- Reduced time delay between when event occurs and when the sounds actually play.

Changes in 1.0

- Significant optimization and reduction of overall file size.

- Balanced some volume levels between sounds.


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# by csquared on 08/06/07 at 14:47:52

Nice work. Simple and functional, although I think the Contact Sign On/Sign Off alerts run just a little bit long; increasing the tempo on both would probably fix that.

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90.38kb (20980 downloads)

3.70 / 200 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 05/19/08