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Synthetic Bells

Synthetic Bells

Submitted By Brady Lee (SyntheticFrost)


Synthetic Bells, previously Pianist Bells, is the 2nd soundset in the "Synthetic" series, and was the basis for the series' original conception.

"Long ago, after the primordial yet unnatural existed, a rapid evolution took place. What was once limited, blinded, and unknowing was no more. Quickly it honed it's abilities. Adapting, growing, and straying from what it once was. It began to grow. Was it dangerous? Was this evolution an accident? Or was it all planned?"

Designed to have an "electric", yet soothing feel, Synthetic Bells represents the evolution. The departure of the known and accepted.

Thank you all so very much for all the support you've given. Please if you would, leave your feedback so I may continue to improve these sets.

I realize the name changes are confusing to a lot of users. Trust me, I didn't wish to confuse anyone. I just wanted to group these sets into one theme for a larger, more long term roadmap. Bear with me here, folks.



Changes in 1.1
- Renamed from Simple Synths to Synthetic Synths to comply to new structural model based on series themes.

Changes in 1.0

- Significant optimization and reduction of the overall file size.

- Reduced the length of the "Contact Sign On" and "Contact Sign Off" events.

- Reduced the overall ambient echo as per request.

Changes in 0.2

- Fixed an error which caused "IMReceive" to not play in Adium.


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# by csquared on 08/06/07 at 14:53:36

Good job! I left a comment on your other soundset, Simple Synths—again, the Contact Sign On/Sign Off alerts are a little long for my taste. Speeding up the tempo just a little would help that. Also, you might want to consider encoding the sounds as either AACs or MP3s; they'll make your archives smaller, and I think most people will forgive the minimal loss in sound quality (they're IM soundsets after all).

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107.23kb (22120 downloads)

3.70 / 232 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 05/19/08
MrRoboto for inspiration.