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Submitted By Random Person (mcnalzer)


A modern bubble style, probably needs a lot of fine tuning. Best for use with Up2Date aqua service icons and round status icons such as iPhone, will need a blue or white background for best look.



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# by tasmanian_devil on 05/31/07 at 00:01:16

Loving it already!!

# by biglittledragoon on 06/09/07 at 07:15:54


I recently lost my HD and many pictures on it. Including the wallpaper you have and others of that kind.
Can you remember where you found it?

BTW, the contact list is nice.



# by mcnalzer on 06/15/07 at 19:38:20

i Got it from Spike May's website but I can't remember the address the name of the site is ColorDesignStudios

# by biglittledragoon on 06/16/07 at 05:46:13

The website seams to be down. I will ask Spike May by mail.

# by tasmanian_devil on 06/14/07 at 02:43:31

Oh also, It's soooooooooo good on group bubbles. I luv the font. What is it?

# by mcnalzer on 06/15/07 at 19:37:11

The font is called Futura

# by Beaeuge on 09/15/07 at 13:44:50

what are your service icons and status icons called? they look pretty good with this list...

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Last Updated: 05/28/07