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Adiumy Neu

Adiumy Neu

Submitted By xSpikex


Neue Schilder "Abwesend" und "Inaktiv". Ich war noch nie ein Fan der alten Status-Schilder und der grau-braune Schatten vom Abwesend-Schild hat mich auch irgendwie gestört. Dieses Dock Icon beinhaltet den Standard-Adiumy mit komplett neu gestaltenen Schildern.




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# by Fruzion on 04/29/07 at 13:18:05

can't speak german.... but looks nice!! One thought though, it looks like the rounded rectangles are aliased, and looks like they haven't been rasterized. IMHO

# by tasmanian_devil on 04/29/07 at 14:27:35

oh.. this is nice! But I don't speak German.. Perhaps you could make an addition so that people who speak english can understand it too

# by xSpikex on 04/29/07 at 14:35:59

I just made new signs for "Away" and "Idle" with the standard Adiumy... I don't know if the originals look good in the English version, but the German signs looked a bit old and ugly, so I designed new signs

# by tasmanian_devil on 05/01/07 at 21:59:46

ooh! Thanks for doing that for me!

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102.63kb (565 downloads)

4.10 / 15 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 04/28/07
Adam Betts for the Duck