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Random Bashing

Random Bashing

Submitted By Ebby


Take it from someone who has read ALL of bash so you don't have to.

Random bashing is a database of 380+ quotes. These are limited to one or two sentences with minimal editing for continuity. I created this to use as an auto response message and choose quotes that quick and to the point.

I should point out that downright nasty or racist jokes are not included and there is a minimal of swearing. Despite these higher standards, there are a still a boatload of gems.

To activate the plugin, type %bash

Versioning FYI: (eg. v2.1.3)
2 - Number of passes through BASH
1 - Updates adding new quotes
3 - Typos corrected


I just started a second pass through with this plugin in mind.


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# by kevindesignpirate on 05/19/07 at 20:51:07

Yeah, uh... what do you type to make it work?

# by Ebby on 05/19/07 at 23:23:45

Hehe. I usually use the contextual menu so it never occurred to me to put it here. I'll add it to the description...

# by foil1212 on 07/26/07 at 14:39:16

I winced at the Jon Luc Skywalker one...

that hurts me deep, man, deep

# by Ebby on 07/26/07 at 19:22:02

hehe. That was just added this last time. Glad you liked it. (or not) ;)

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35.25kb (1413 downloads)

3.10 / 7 votes
Current Version: 2.1
Last Updated: 09/03/07
Brad Block