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cool cat

cool cat

Submitted By tikabanget (tikabanget)


This is cool, big, unusual emoticon. I don't know who made these emoticons. But my friends already use it for their jabber... ^_^

I suggest u to download it first and then install it manually..



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# by snarfer on 04/02/07 at 19:50:06

Hehe, cute.

# by tikabanget on 04/14/07 at 05:07:41

Hehe.. It's not me who made this...

# by zazzakakashi on 04/02/07 at 23:46:17

Wont install properly :/ Wheter i install or download the file. How should i do?

Dope emoticons set !

# by tikabanget on 04/03/07 at 01:06:45

# zazzakakashi :

I don't know what the mistake i made..
I can't install it too.. :(

Hold on.. I'll make the new one..

# by tikabanget on 04/14/07 at 05:06:47

It's already to download now... ^_^

# by dcentity2000 on 04/14/07 at 14:55:38


# by zazzakakashi on 04/14/07 at 17:05:25

It's working now! Amazing!!! Hands down to you!!!

# by adium on 04/15/07 at 14:28:12

try to change the words to activate this, like :foryourinfo: u could use :fyi" i know u didn make it, just u should try

# by tasmanian_devil on 04/15/07 at 14:58:27

aw.... it's sooo cute (i know you didn't make it, but ty for bringing it to xtras!!)

# by chaoszcat on 04/16/07 at 04:48:51

They are actually Onions :)
Created by Ethan (A taiwanese)

Emoticon author website:
(Chinese Traditional)

# by tikabanget on 04/16/07 at 05:45:02

ow, finally i know who made these emoticons.. :D
should i ask his permission to upload these emoticons here?

# by chaoszcat on 04/16/07 at 05:53:42

This is the first line in the website, it says that
"Everyone is welcome to use it as personal use or forum use, but don't modify it or use it as commercial, thx"

So, it is free for public use :)

# by chaoszcat on 04/16/07 at 05:54:40

Woops, I don't know why Adium comments doesn't support chinese characters :) Those ??? are chinese characters found in the website.

# by tikabanget on 04/16/07 at 05:57:39

hahahaa.. those characters made me confuse too..
luckily u explain them.. :D

# by chaoszcat on 04/16/07 at 06:00:40

Haha, you're welcome :)

# by chaoszcat on 04/16/07 at 05:56:46

In addition, these are the full emoticon lists. Sorry for non-chinese users.

# by Hank-the-Cowdog on 04/18/07 at 03:51:50

Uhh... pretty good I suppose but I find them exceedingly uninteresting.

# by enkuturi-akrias on 05/22/07 at 23:04:02

I has seen this emotes in a Pump ti up forum. These are god-send! I love your work! thankyou

# by Sandman614 on 06/18/07 at 23:18:22

Hey check this out, now you can use this emoticon set with your friends that use Trillian on Windows. I took the liberty of porting this set so that my girlfriend and I could use these emoticons. Thank you for posting this tikabanget.

# by looseboy on 07/13/07 at 06:05:07

Those are made by Chinese. You can found more in
By the way, it's not cat, it's onion.

# by anewleaf on 09/02/07 at 03:55:31

i've been looking for these! thx! ;)

# by xxxdave on 09/02/07 at 15:04:15

This emoticon they can be seen by other people? (msn users, adium users, yahoo users)

# by Ixora on 11/15/07 at 11:25:49

its really cute. set it as the default smiley already :D.
but they're all said in some language that I dun know. maybe chinese or malay ??

# by scannerfm77 on 12/09/07 at 13:02:08

I think the language is Indonesian.

# by alexandrriana on 12/19/07 at 16:31:29

How come all the smileys dont appear onto other messengers.When I send one..the display doesnt appear and only the name of it is writin on ur chat?

# by macart.jj on 01/11/08 at 02:43:43

Hehe, cute.

# by gir777 on 01/16/08 at 00:46:42


# by gir777 on 01/16/08 at 03:46:45

cool cat rocks!!!!!!=D

# by gir777 on 01/16/08 at 14:47:15

um...i dont understand under any thing on i cant read it =(

# by solly3 on 03/15/08 at 17:06:21

How do you make yor own smiley set?

# by talkingoddess719 on 04/08/08 at 19:08:22

awesome, but can u make it bigger?? its 2 small no matter how large i make the font

# by leoer96 on 04/11/08 at 05:20:16

it's ///////cooooooooool

# by pf5618 on 04/23/08 at 06:50:08

yah cute! and looseboy is right! its not a kitty, its an onionhead hehe :)

# by ccavute on 04/23/08 at 11:13:23

my friends cant see those icons,even i changed the triggers , still they cant see them, what can i do????


# by G3ex on 07/21/08 at 14:26:02

Yes,it would be cool if he make them 120x120 or 130x130 or even 100x100 :)))))))))))))))) now they are only 50x50 ;(

# by mr-q8 on 07/30/08 at 10:56:14

its free cute

# by Chibi on 08/30/08 at 04:00:03

It's called "Onionhead".

# by rise2sun on 10/18/08 at 23:39:18

My fav, haha.

# by rigolusmanouche on 05/21/09 at 03:11:04

to have more of these google: Onion Club and take the first link

# by Hunraken on 07/20/09 at 05:33:06

My friends can't see these either. I of course, can, but they cannot. It's making me sad. Any explanations?

# by isabellaw on 11/28/09 at 14:51:12

cute~thx ..

# by bauccgia0 on 04/23/10 at 19:09:49


# by sergio64 on 01/18/11 at 19:21:38


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283.82kb (51156 downloads)

3.90 / 393 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 04/13/07