Oriental Lines |
Submitted By "Mackie" (MintyFresh) |
DescriptionInspired by Clasixart's Oriental Lines wallpaper, found on Deviant Art. I felt it looked clean enough to upload to the Xtras collection, Hope you like it!Important Prefrences Set Opacity 70% Set Windowless Border Style Set Automatic Sizing or Set Width to 125 Pixels Set Background Image Style to Tile
Image 2: Highlighted Image 3: Contact List Image 4: The Big Picture ImagesCommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by EclipX on 04/22/07 at 12:23:21Lol, this skin rules, i like it!!!
look @ screenshot: http://bay01.imagebay.com/bay.php?vie...ture1-8.jpg # by joogs on 05/23/07 at 02:05:06where'd you get the cool wallpaper? could i please have the link? :] it looks awesome with the skin!
# by MintyFresh on 05/23/07 at 02:08:57If you looked at the credits, you'd see [b]Oriental Lines by Clasixart (http://clasixart.deviantart.com/)[/b]
# by yoggy on 06/05/07 at 00:39:53Every time I set a pixel font to the right size (8 or 9) the buddy list displays lucida grande!! This has happened on two list styles that use pixel fonts. (They display right at other sizes, but ugly due to the AA) What is going on here?
# by MintyFresh on 06/05/07 at 02:23:00Do you have the font installed? If you do there shouldn't be a problem..I wouldn't know otherwise
# by tkddans on 07/09/07 at 14:49:12I was in =SC=!
Are you in =SC= or ever been in it? I'm TKDdans (formerly =SC=TKDdans) # by MintyFresh on 07/21/07 at 20:21:46If you download, instead of installing.. It'll be in the folder ;)
# by MintyFresh on 08/07/07 at 20:50:40The application is Konfabulator, it's also known as Yahoo! Widgets
'n it's the iTunes Bar at the bottom # by patman2769 on 08/13/07 at 01:01:34This is absolutely beautiful. However:
The picture included to use as the background does not align with the background of the desktop background. The grid in the background of the wallpaper is much bigger. It's not horrible, but it'd look nicer if it did. Why is this? A difference in resolution? Also, what theme is that you're using? # by MintyFresh on 04/04/08 at 19:59:33Yes, you may have to move the contact list to align it. Also, I'm using a 1024x768 resolution.
# by yukita on 08/16/07 at 09:02:25oh wait, how did you get your weather widget to stay at the bottom all the time?
# by JacobHolmes on 09/26/09 at 05:00:10Darn, the wallpaper provided is too small for my monitor. :(
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# by coerul on 03/25/07 at 13:43:06
Tight work. :3