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QiP Infium compatible

QiP Infium compatible

Submitted By ne_toy (ne_toy)


98 smilies from QiP Infium original set


1.1 UPD 29/03/2007: Some bugs fixed!
1.2 UPD 29/05/2007: Added some smilies, that was phisically in package but wasn't described in smileset. (THX to user tim)
1.3 UPD 07/05/2008: Added smilies from qip Infium.



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# by monkeapple on 03/23/07 at 14:02:01


# by bezraznizi on 03/26/07 at 15:36:16

it's very great! thanx!

# by ne_toy on 03/27/07 at 07:09:23

2 bezraznizi:
S trudom pro4el tvoj kamment ))) Kak le4itsya ne znaju, skoree vsego pridetsya pereimenovat' zanovo.

# by tasmanian_devil on 04/22/07 at 17:32:44


# by tim on 04/26/07 at 14:12:47

This emoticon pack is "unfinished" - there are images in the package that aren't written into the .plist file, including the one that is used as the icon for the emoticon set (bp.gif). Everything after bi.gif is currently impossible to access in Adium without editing the .plist file in the emoticon pack. I really like bp.gif and hope that you release another version that adds the overlooked gifs.

# by ne_toy on 05/29/07 at 13:25:14

Thanx for your feedback! I've just fixed this bugs and all smilies is available now! Thank you one more time.

# by tim on 05/29/07 at 14:59:29

Excellent, thank you!

# by Mr.Anderson on 10/09/07 at 15:41:47

Thanks alot man!!! Really GJ!
Ty s Ukraine chtoli?

# by ne_toy on 10/10/07 at 06:05:12

Aga, s Ukraine :)

# by ngregory00 on 10/23/07 at 22:49:28

Can someone explain what's up with that "WASSUP" smiley?? Such bad taste!

# by ne_toy on 10/24/07 at 09:19:03

Actually, I don't understand full sense of the word "wassup" and don't know how to illustrate it in smiley. I just adapted existing in QIP smileset to Adium.

# by ne_toy on 10/24/07 at 09:20:31

If you have an idea whis what smiley can I replase that, I'll appriciate you.

# by tr4ffic on 12/08/07 at 21:47:17


# by tr4ffic on 12/08/07 at 21:46:34

thanks a lot

# by solly3 on 03/15/08 at 17:07:44

How do you make yor own smiley set?

# by braad on 06/22/08 at 12:43:29

that's really nice.....

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428.56kb (28674 downloads)

3.80 / 246 votes
Current Version: 1.3
Last Updated: 11/05/08
Use it for you pleasure!