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Submitted By Dan Deming-Henes (Periphium)


A very simple set based off of the iPhone notification badges.


Added "Mobile" status

Added "New Messages" status
Changed Blue to "New Message" status
Added Pink as "Typing" status



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# by dcentity2000 on 03/23/07 at 10:32:07


# by monkeapple on 03/23/07 at 14:01:20


# by monkeapple on 03/23/07 at 14:01:42

It's actually ok

# by slyydrr on 03/24/07 at 05:35:27

They look nice, but a little too big and the fact that there's no icon for a new message makes me sad :(

# by enkuturi-akrias on 03/24/07 at 13:07:25

Looks very good combined with the Bright Blue theme, and this matches the os X Tiger look

# by iankaumeyer on 03/25/07 at 00:05:49

Very promising look. The fact that the icons are slightly large and the lack of a new message icon is what is making me shy away from this set though.

# by icemonkey004 on 03/25/07 at 02:37:16

try releasing a set minus the white border around the color...dont even make the color parts bigger to compensate, just keep them small.

# by zoo1023 on 03/26/07 at 22:54:20

I LOVE the size, don't make them any smaller! I would, however, love a "new message" icon, too. Maybe purple?

# by kmccormi on 04/07/07 at 16:09:47

I love, love, love these and thank you for the update, finally. I think they look superb with David Lanham's Sticker System iconset.

# by tasmanian_devil on 04/09/07 at 14:26:32

course these are good!! I like them alot- It was time someone made nice circly icons that are not gems but kinda like buttons!

# by serips on 06/03/07 at 14:00:47

I like the white border, but make them a little smaller and please add a new message color. :-D

# by serips on 06/03/07 at 14:02:15

ooh sorry i meant a mobile color.

# by OshKoshPoshJosh on 07/20/07 at 14:37:36

I like it, but it would be nice to have an icon for mobile users.

# by Beaeuge on 09/15/07 at 13:49:10

they look ok... its nice thnx

# by baRRy on 07/23/08 at 17:01:50

vnice. im usin these now

# by -KingROFL- on 11/14/08 at 13:26:10

I Love The iPhone so: I LOVE THIS ICONS! :D

# by chloe on 03/17/09 at 09:20:17

I like this set to, but I'll be very happy if you could add an icon for mobile users.

# by Hat on 04/01/09 at 05:05:08

Fantastic, but you should add an icon for mobile users.

# by Calenulma on 05/24/10 at 23:34:55

I always use it. Really nice job.

# by RyeWoz on 02/03/12 at 08:27:43

I have always been amazed by the software development that goes into mobile phones and wonder how people are able to create what they do (such as the sound set mentioned in this post). The only thing that amazes me more than that would have to be the actual electronics that allow a mobile phone to not only operate, but to power the software that we as mobile phone owners have come to enjoy. I decided that I am going to school for electrical engineering so that I can one day understand how to create the electronics found in mobile phones. I have already started looking at a few company websites, such as for example, to learn more about the companies that create electronics such as the ones found in mobile phones just so that I can hopefully gain some sort of head start on my studies.

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Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 01/25/10