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Capture |
Submitted By SimR69 |
DescriptionTakes a screenshot and sends it to you contact!Just type: /capture to take and send your screenshot. Other options: - type /hidecapture if you want to hide Adium before taking the screenshot - type /zipcapture if you want to send a zipped screenshot - type /hidezipcapture if you want to hide Adium, take the screenshot, zip it and send it! - type /partialcapture if you want to take a partial screenshot - type /hidepartialcapture if you want to take a partial screenshot and hide Adium - type /zippartialcapture if you want to send a zipped partial screenshot - type /hidezippartialcapture if you want to hide Adium, take a partial screenshot, zip it and send it! Changesv4.0 (12/14/09)Added partial screenshots. (pending approval) v3.2 (01/07/08) Compatible with Adium 1.2 v3.1 (08/26/07) Fixed a mistake that made nothing worked :/ v3.0 (08/26/07) Added a feature to hide Adium when the screenshot is taken. Fixed a bug when the default screencapture file format is not png. v2.0 (08/25/07) Added a feature to automatically zip the screenshot before it is sent. v1.1 (03/12/07) The temporary file is put into trash. v1.0 (03/10/07) First release. CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by ecable on 06/11/07 at 21:58:04Hey. Just a few suggestions - this would be a lot more useful if you could, instead of IT taking the screenshot, just choose to send the lastest 'Picture X.png' file that's on the user's desktop? Then I could take pictures of multiple desktops (which I have) or a specific window or whatever or a specific box on screen; have all the Grab features already built into OS X available to me and such...
# by conzor on 07/27/07 at 02:17:41what would be the point of doing that if you could just send it anyways.. this is just for quick captures and sending
# by badluck on 10/19/08 at 22:54:23I think the next step in evolution of this script should be sending partial screenshots. E.g. I type /partcapture and a rectangle tool emerges (just like taking partial screenshot with Preview.app) and allows me to select part of the desktop.
Another great thing would be (although I don't know if its possible) displaying images inline (in conversation window). Post a New CommentYou must be logged in to post comments. |
# by ihaveabellybutton on 03/19/07 at 17:52:12