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Vaultboy Dock Icon

Vaultboy Dock Icon

Submitted By Henrik Engman (prinsen)


The popular vaultboy (pipboy, falloutboy) from Fallout as a Adium dock icon. I made a dock icon in black and white and another which I have colored. A treat to all Fallout fans who are waiting for the release of Fallout 3.


V. 1.1
A new Awake icon and switched Idle and Away icon.

V 1.2
Added some shadow to the colored version.



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# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/19/07 at 19:58:04

The idle one is kind of doesn't fit.

# by prinsen on 02/19/07 at 20:14:13

Do mean the size of the icon or what the vaultboy is doing?

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/19/07 at 20:15:54

What he's doing.

# by prinsen on 02/19/07 at 20:27:45

Ooops. I was quite tired when i did the final icons and i translated idle as occupied. Wich is the opposite. My mistake. I'll create a more suitable icon for the idle state soon

# by coerul on 02/19/07 at 23:24:37

I suggest simply switching the away and idle states. Away implies that you could be away doing other things, and idle could be a more peaceful state. Just a suggestion though.

# by prinsen on 02/20/07 at 00:02:33

Yeah thats sounds like a great idea. thanks.

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/20/07 at 01:32:36

Much better.

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351.88kb (1262 downloads)

3.80 / 38 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 02/25/07