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Up2Date Aqua 3.8.1

Up2Date Aqua 3.8.1

Submitted By Sam (Sam)


The perfect, 20-icon partner for your Adium!

This is the third version of the Up2Date series. Most of the service icons included with Adium are out of date, so here are the Up to Date Service Icons with an Aqua Look & Feel!

Note: The Skype and Xfire icons will replace the default icons for the Xblaze and Skype API plug-ins. If you want these services, please download the plug-ins.

Another Note: The new Facebook icon is designed to work with Adium 1.3 and above which includes a Facebook service. If you haven't already, upgrade!

See My Other Extras! =

If you have a copy of Up2Date 3.0 to 3.8, you can update it by pressing the Install button. Adium will replace it with 3.8.1


Version 3.8.1
• Finally found and updated the Novell GroupWise icon to reflect the official one.

Version 3.8
• New Tencent QQ icon added to reflect the change to a newer icon by Tencent.
• Newly designed SIP icon.
• Updated Jabber icon: Slight coloration change (now more orange than yellow), cleaner, smoother circle & sheen, fixed rough edges.
• Updated LiveJournal icon: Slight coloration change (now the light and dark blue seen in the logo), cleaner, smoother circle & sheen, fixed rough edges.
• Updated Napster icon: Smoother, fixed rough edges.
• Updated Xfire icon: Smoother, fixed rough edges, made X and swishes darker and lighter respectively for better visibility when at small scale.
• Updated Zephyr icon: Smoother, fixed rough edges
• Much nicer preview images and thumbnail. :)

Version 3.7.1
• Added an aquified Facebook icon based upon the favicon of the site. (The only thing to go by officially.)

Version 3.7
• Updated and aquified the Gadu-Gadu icon to coincide with a revised logo.
• Updated the ICQ icon to better reflect the official icon (was previously the last original Adium Aqua icon).
• Added aquified SIP/Simple icon.
• Added Xfire and Skype icons!

Version 3.6.1
• The Google Talk icon has been changed to be more speech-bubble like. And aquified. :)

Version 3.6
• The new IBM Lotus Sametime icon has been added.

Version 3.5
• MySpaceIM icon added.

Version 3.4
• Made the .Mac and Group Wise icons bigger (better quality).
• Made the Group Wise logo aqua!

Version 3.3
• The AIM icon has been re-done from scratch. It should now be clearer.

Version 3.2
• Made the LiveJournal and Jabber logos different colours so they're easier to tell apart.
• Updated QQ logo, now at a higher res.

Version 3.1
• Added more icons to correspond with the new IM services included in Adium X 1.0.
• Cleaned up the Windows Live Icon and the AIM icon. Now much better :)
• Nicer Preview Images

Version 3.0
• More Icons!!
• Fixed AIM icon (now more red than pink).
• General Clean-Up


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# by RAPMANkev on 02/06/07 at 16:57:45

was that windows vista logo really necessary ? lol

# by Sam on 02/06/07 at 16:58:42

well, MSN messenger recently changed to Windows Live, so there you go. :)

# by RAPMANkev on 02/06/07 at 17:48:42

I was just kidding :-D

# by Rebekia on 02/08/07 at 19:07:14

eww they did? that's sad. I liked the butterfly. :/ mergers blah

# by Fruzion on 04/14/07 at 20:11:45

it wasn't a merger... Microsoft started the whole MSN franchise

# by tasmanian_devil on 04/25/07 at 23:13:53

My mom works for Microsoft and helped make the whole windows live thing :-/ plz comment nicely...

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/06/07 at 19:04:28

Very nice, the AIM icon is much better.

# by Katiia on 05/16/07 at 11:39:54

Really Good. I Like it ;-)
Much better than the older icons -

# by enkuturi-akrias on 02/06/07 at 19:51:53

a bit of transparency in the windows icon and some others will look cool

# by drfloppy on 02/07/07 at 04:19:24

Very niiiice

# by sleepwalkers on 02/11/07 at 16:16:55

I would love these, but the edges of the AIM and Windows Live Messenger need to be cleaned up. They don't look so hot on a dark background.

# by Sam on 02/14/07 at 15:22:18

ok, ive fixed it in the 3.1 update :)

# by Sam on 02/14/07 at 20:15:40

--Version 3.1 Released--

# by adiumlover on 02/15/07 at 14:59:20

Great job! This is my favorite service icon set. I like the Mac partly because everything is so stylish... and this definitely carries on the tradition! Keep it up!

# by BlackVariant on 02/15/07 at 21:31:56

I use to think this set was done fairly poorly, but the new version (3.x) looks awesome!

# by jms1223 on 02/17/07 at 01:13:51

The rollovers/tooltips on the contact list show a smaller version of these icons--the new AIM icon isn't very clear, any way to sharpen that up a little?

# by eleain on 02/17/07 at 05:00:21

the icons are sharp.

what are the two other contact lists shown in the pic?

# by Sam on 02/17/07 at 09:14:37

Overture 1928 and Morpheus Black

# by toni on 02/18/07 at 23:20:30

Bravo Monsieur ! ;)

# by Sam on 02/20/07 at 19:05:14

--Version 3.2 Released--

# by Walrus on 02/21/07 at 20:31:06

AIM is really washed out and hard to see. This icon set has some promise.

# by Sam on 03/04/07 at 10:34:50

--Version 3.3 Released--
Fixed the AIM icon!

# by enkuturi-akrias on 03/07/07 at 13:40:23

heheh! now these look great! good job! Can you make an alternative set with the windows live icon a bit less dark?

# by sleepwalkers on 03/13/07 at 16:48:02

Awesome! These look just about as awesome as they can be now! The AIM icon was what bothered me and now it looks just about perfect.

# by Sam on 03/13/07 at 18:15:42

--Version 3.4 Released--
The .Mac and GroupWise icons bugged me because they weren't the same size as the rest, so I made them bigger and made the GroupWise one aqua. :)

# by narutokid63 on 03/15/07 at 22:28:14

i don't know how to get yahoo icons

# by actionjc on 06/13/07 at 15:42:16

Hmm, this icon pack is excellent, but I must add that I like the modern logos pack just a tiny bit better due to Windows live icon seems a little brighter/lighter. I believe the reason for that is due to the fact that it doesn't include any circle around it. Anyways, one thing I would love to see though is if someone would make a new service icon pack with the yahoo icon being their smiley face (as in Window's yahoo messenger 7 system tray icon), Windows live being their blue guy and AIM be their yellow guy with the AIM bubble (as in their newer Windows system tray icon).

# by Beaeuge on 09/15/07 at 13:51:00

awsome! luv it!

# by give86gt on 09/26/07 at 19:28:48

Hope a new MySpace IM one is on the way. Great icon pack. Thanks.

# by Sam on 11/03/07 at 09:33:19

Unfortunately, the new MySpace icon is in a plug-in (called LibPurple), and is not affected by an icon pack. If there's any way to change this without hacking Adium, could someone let me know?

# by Sam on 12/02/07 at 10:31:11

Scratch that. :) I found a way!

# by Sam on 12/02/07 at 10:32:32

--Version 3.5 Released--
So we have the MySpaceIM icon. :) Surprisingly, though the service is new to Adium, it does not use it's official icon. *shrugs*

# by rezzo on 02/27/08 at 14:06:51

Awesome stuff!

# by Sam on 03/16/08 at 18:11:37

--Version 3.6 Released--
Looks like there's a new Sametime icon. :)

# by maikk on 03/17/08 at 14:02:20

Hm, I wonder where you got the Sametime icon from ... :-P

# by maikk on 03/17/08 at 14:08:15

... although you did a better job resizing the icons to the right size ... :-)

# by Sam on 03/17/08 at 15:53:13

Well, I got it from the IBM Sametime website don't you know. ;) But it was your xtra that alerted me to it, so thanks. :D

# by dcentity2000 on 03/17/08 at 08:00:32

I adore these!

# by 776jvacek on 03/18/08 at 11:20:41

It would be great if there would be also icons for Skype API and Xblaze...

# by 776jvacek on 03/18/08 at 11:22:06

just wondering why there is that napster icon too...

# by Sam on 03/18/08 at 11:29:55

It's sort of left over from the old Adium, which used to support Napster's IM Network or something. :)

I'll look into the Skype and Xblaze.

# by 776jvacek on 03/18/08 at 11:44:43


# by 776jvacek on 03/26/08 at 14:04:29

Am sending those icons to your google mail...

# by Sam on 05/03/08 at 23:20:37

--Version 3.7 Released--
OK, I've finally replaced the ICQ icon (the previous one was from the original Adium Aqua set) and updated the Gadu-Gadu icon. Thanks to 776jvacek for the idea of putting in the Xfire and Skype icons. I hope the Xfire one is OK in practice - I don't use it, so if people who do can give me some feedback, that would be great! :)

# by 776jvacek on 06/18/08 at 09:32:35

thanx ... I reallllly love these! the skype icon was before just horrible. Especially the "S". The XFire icon is even better than the original one! I even think, that this is the only xtra, that haves Skype and xfire icons too. Keep on working! I really love it!

# by 776jvacek on 06/18/08 at 16:44:16

Sorry if annoying again...
I just downloaded adium 1.3b3, where is a Facebook account too. I found a quite good ( ) which you could maybe use. Good luck with making...

# by 776jvacek on 06/18/08 at 17:20:44

... I found a quite good logo ...

# by 776jvacek on 06/19/08 at 18:49:22

I just checked my email, and saw, that the skype and xfire icons are just completly different anyway ... I know, the xfire one was just too wide. :)

# by Sam on 08/16/08 at 21:27:37

--Version 3.7.1 Released--
Added a Facebook icon! Rather than (as the icon designers have done in the Beta) base it on an old Facebook logo, I have based mine on the current Facebook favicon (which is the only thing to go by since Facebook's logo is just a stylised 'Facebook'). I created it myself by cobbling the stylised 'F' used in the Facebook logo and drawing the rest by myself (the resultant full-scale image is around 360px square). Hope it's OK - I did it 'cos I recently got myself a Facebook account. And thanks (again) to 776jvacek for the heads-up!

# by applefan1995 on 10/01/08 at 08:38:19

Really fits into my buddy list. thanks!

# by -KingROFL- on 11/14/08 at 13:27:27

Its really n1

# by Sam on 12/23/08 at 22:17:12

--Version 3.8 Released--

# by RaymieHumbert on 07/13/09 at 04:42:15

AIM seems to have switched back to the running man icon. Maybe a hybrid transition version between orange bubble and running man?

# by Yoctabyte on 01/27/10 at 02:52:07

the gtalk icon's a little dark. it'd be nice if it was brightened a bit. otherwise great! ^-^

# by azurelimit on 12/27/10 at 08:18:56

Thanks for the icons! 5 stars!

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3.30 / 439 votes
Current Version: 3.8.1
Last Updated: 05/16/09
maikk & 776jvacek for the heads-up on some icon changes