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Overture 1928

Overture 1928

Submitted By Alan (Shark!!)


- Use with %40 opacity!


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# by maclover23 on 01/30/07 at 06:01:56

This isn't working for me.Did you make it with the beta version?

# by Shark!! on 01/30/07 at 06:36:02

Yes, with the latest beta.

# by Shark!! on 01/30/07 at 06:40:39

Oh, and did you try downloading instead of installing? I don't know but it may be because of that.

# by lowen on 03/06/07 at 07:45:02

Did you make sure to set it to 40% opacity?

# by Danishdude on 05/28/08 at 23:34:07

U have to download

# by xSpikex on 01/30/07 at 14:20:30

This is very good, I'll use it with my Glass Duck.
5 ducks for this contact-list!

# by evolus on 02/01/07 at 12:59:10

Very Nice :)

# by flammable on 02/03/07 at 02:35:20

Nice! Downloading now, thanks.

I like the Dream Theater reference, too. ;)

# by Sunlite on 02/10/07 at 23:35:29

Love it, very cool :D

# by enkuturi-akrias on 02/11/07 at 22:15:15

Looks “futuristic” and cool
*6 docks out of 5*

# by enkuturi-akrias on 02/11/07 at 22:15:48

sorry, i mean “Ducks” instead of “docks”

# by neko on 02/12/07 at 19:04:21

best contact list, i think, for use with the NickelCobalt shapeshifter theme.

# by bontaq on 02/13/07 at 00:07:52

Reminds me very much of the iPhone for some reason. It looks splendid. Would love a matching style for messages ;D

# by khagan on 03/28/07 at 16:09:01

I likee!

# by The_Green_Duck on 04/27/07 at 17:03:24

yeah go Dream Theater

# by alecocco on 06/06/07 at 11:16:21


i like it

# by The_Green_Duck on 04/27/07 at 17:08:05

i think it locks nicer on 55%

# by tasmanian_devil on 05/26/07 at 01:02:50

o.m.g. I love the bg on the first view- it's awesome!!
Any who.. I love it!!5 ducks!

# by EmeraldVee on 07/19/07 at 07:40:55

Incredible Xtra you've submitted here. I've always had trouble finding a good way to display my contact list with everything else I've customised on this terminal. This fixes that problem completely. 5/5, definitely. Keep it up!

# by alecocco on 07/20/07 at 08:28:34


dream theater rulez :D

# by oronare on 07/28/07 at 09:28:13

How do i make the message box transparent also? it isnt working :(

# by j8liu on 08/18/07 at 15:18:59

how does one get rid off the scroll button on the left hand side please?

# by m1kee on 11/04/07 at 21:46:15

Preferences > Appearance
Check the box of "size to fit vertically". You might also want to change your window style to Borderless Window or Group Bubbles.

# by shrimp on 01/02/08 at 21:51:10

I love the first wallpaper, wich is the name of it?
greetz shrimp

# by kiranimo on 01/09/08 at 05:30:41

i had to get this because of dream theater, and its awesome

# by thuAy2218 on 01/13/08 at 22:28:55

it's not working for me either. .. it goes to my preferences but it doesnt show up

# by solly3 on 02/26/08 at 18:10:38

With me it isnt getting glass...

# by maryhmfn on 03/16/08 at 22:50:12

oh i love the first wallpaper! where did you get it? and i love the contact!

# by AL3 on 03/17/08 at 22:30:10

Newbie question: I use Overture 1928, but my contact window displays ONLY the contacts, not the little gray bar on top (the one with the X, - and + buttons). How can I set Adium to display this gray bar while using Overture 1928?
thanks for the help!

# by flamingt0fu on 03/22/08 at 23:09:58

verrrryyy nice :D

# by mymackicksass on 04/12/08 at 23:08:39

have it installed with 40% opacity but doesn't look glossy or like glass, looks dull

# by genbaez on 05/18/08 at 05:45:01

Hello, thanks for creating this Extra.
I have to agree with "mymackickass" comment as it is behaving the same for me. I installed it, but when I so one of your replies, I went ahead and deleted and downloaded instead and installed then. But the results were the same not a glass finish at 40% or less. What could be causing this behavior?

# by thebuggalo on 06/06/08 at 00:36:50

I keep trying to find a contact list that can beat this one, and nothing can match it. It is great. Excellent work!

# by Novarro99 on 06/16/08 at 14:55:58


# by fadingdreams10 on 07/19/08 at 04:52:20

so how do i make it look like the first one?

# by Calexico on 08/27/08 at 14:54:46


I think Solitary Shell would be a cool name for a contact list style :)

# by Rachael1008 on 03/29/09 at 11:46:12

Wow love it!! what is the background that you have used in the top pic?

# by kimiko on 06/12/09 at 03:24:18

Wonderfull! Thanks for share such cool thing. :)

# by SassiLady on 07/07/09 at 09:33:10

H I am new and i would really like to use the contact list style...but after I download them i don't know where to extract the files to, and activate them...would some mind assisting me.....I love this program, it is the best one that I have used for multiple messengers....thank you very much in advance


# by TaisakuOpai on 07/09/09 at 20:52:09

Don't click "download", click "install". From there, Adium will open the Appearance Preferences menu for you and you can easily select the "Overture 1928" from a drop-down menu. It is pretty self-explanatory. And don't worry; I made that mistake, too, at first.

# by SassiLady on 07/10/09 at 01:31:14

for some reason, i don't know why it does'nt work....i use Digsby, is there something else i should have to make these work with that a plug in i might be missing...also i am on a pc not mac...using Vista... does that matter also...thank you so much for responding and trying to help me.....i appreciate it tremendously


# by Segfault on 01/12/10 at 17:27:07

This is designed for Adium, not for Digsby. If you want to theme Digsby, you have to use themes that are DESIGNED for Digsby.

# by Stell on 07/30/09 at 20:18:04

help!!!!!!!! please i installed and downloaded and still noting when i select this theme my contact list just turns black and i really want this theme help someone

# by Stell on 07/30/09 at 20:46:48

what is the name of the 1st wallpaper??

# by Segfault on 01/12/10 at 17:21:42

This wouldn't happen to be named after the Dream Theater song of the same name, would it?

# by MrKT on 03/08/10 at 23:02:17

this is a really nice one

# by kendrewlok on 05/09/10 at 18:05:04

That looks pretty cool. Nice one

# by N6REJ on 06/20/13 at 02:32:05

how ddi you make the very bottom style? I can't get mine to do that at all

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5.74kb (318832 downloads)

4.10 / 1401 votes
Current Version: 100
Last Updated: 01/29/07