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BigBlacy |
Submitted By S M (jeby) |
DescriptionThis is my first Xtra. It is an emoticon pack based on the idea of previous The Blacy!. I use the the original The Blacy by Rokey (copyright reserved by Netease company), and I scale it in 56x56 size (yes, I like big emoticon). I also include all emoticon of original set, but not the "iron man". I use this emoticon with the ArtHero - Complexion message style.please give me feedback! ;-) ChangesAdded some ascii code. Give me a feedback for include some other code.ImagesCommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by aniime on 01/31/07 at 00:33:39BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!!!! SO COOL, looks great even with black background so cool!!! thnx a lot great job
:) # by enkuturi-akrias on 01/31/07 at 22:20:46looks very good, but the hearth looks a bit pixelated...
god work with the shadows :D looks very realistic # by jeby on 02/03/07 at 13:44:19ok, thanks at all! Now... i want to create an emoticon for *_* but how?
someone has any idea? # by n3rpie on 02/03/07 at 23:02:37Every time someone says "lol" the ":-D" smiley comes up. Does anyone know how to fix this?
# by jeby on 02/04/07 at 06:48:22go to ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Emoticons
select the bigblacy.AdiumEmoticonSet. Ctrl Click -> Show package content Find the Emoticon.plist file and open it with a text editor (text edit or smultron it's ok). search the <string>lol</string> (arountd the line 160) and erase it or edit in <string>:lol:</string> or <string><lol></string> When i collect a large number of this "bug", i will release a new version with this improvement # by jeby on 02/04/07 at 06:50:00OPS... read this:
go to ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Emoticons select the bigblacy.AdiumEmoticonSet. Ctrl Click -> Show package content Find the Emoticon.plist file and open it with a text editor (text edit or smultron it's ok). search the lol (arountd the line 160) and erase it or edit in :lol: or When i collect a large number of this "bug", i will release a new version with this improvement # by kristen on 02/14/07 at 06:51:35I love this emoticon set :o) I use this set now, instead of any others! Now if I can only figure out how to change my alert sounds ......
# by gOofytj on 03/07/07 at 16:10:41hey man these smileys ruled, fit well with my overall grey/black theme.
though a few remarks, I'll post if I got more. I'm missing something for my :p and my (f) and I'd rather not make 'lol' a smiley. thanks for the set # by jeby on 03/09/07 at 11:12:05@ gOofytj: (f) is for what? I'm working on a new version for :p and 'lol'
@ Cabrón and the other: thanks!!! ^_^ # by gOofytj on 03/20/07 at 21:28:14(f) is a flower, and (w) is a hanging flower now we're at it :)
A few other msn icons I use are (Y) which is thumbs up, and (i) which is a glowing light bulb. Further it wouldn't hurt to have all emoticons in lowercase as well as in uppercase, so both (l) and (L) would work. But please ignore my insane request if you don't have time for it, just thought I'd mention what's on my mind :) sweet, I'm looking forward to the next update. thanks again, the set is superb, 10/10 # by miyakko on 04/29/07 at 19:28:15I love those! It's just sad that some other users can't see them!
# by tasmanian_devil on 07/07/07 at 14:36:27I luv them!! I luv big emoticons too! I like big sets of big emoticons.. :)
# by Beaeuge on 10/01/07 at 19:07:00ok this is awesome! i love it and it matches with my whole black and white look... although... could you make them a little smaller?? or something.. i know a lot of people like them big but... just a little smaller would be nice :D great job though!! ;)
# by matkam on 10/08/07 at 06:53:20Awesome icon set. I think along with changing "lol" to ":lol:" you could have more "equivalents" for typing smilies in short-hand (like in the default adium emoticons). For example, add the equivalent ":p" and ":P" for ":-P", and ":/" and ":" for ":-".
# by matkam on 10/08/07 at 07:00:04Looks like back-slashes disappear in here...
Also, I didn't see gOofytj's post :P Thanks again for the set! # by matkam on 10/08/07 at 22:20:10I made a new Emoticons.plist file to drop into the icon set package. I've added more "equivalents" and made a few modifications. I think these ascii smilies make more sense and they are more compatible with default icon set.
Download from http://www.mediafire.com/?3ltwffdtnog Enjoy! # by kaze on 11/12/07 at 09:14:06this on is hilarious. hahahahahaha, i'm really going to enjoy this program
# by Majesty on 05/15/08 at 18:31:13This is just amazing set! Awesome! One question. Though the size is too big for me. And the size of The Blacy by Rokey is too small. :(
# by Majesty on 05/17/08 at 17:51:01ooook. It takes like 5 mins to understand how to change the size and 2 mins to actually change them. Now got all the Icons in 40px format. Thanks!
# by macmad on 06/16/08 at 15:16:58this is very good emotions well done and hope to see more these are excellent thanx
# by Daffy on 06/17/08 at 17:10:17Great set. Too bad all my friends use PCs - otherwise, I would use this one all the time.
# by SWHJT on 02/26/09 at 00:47:03i'm hella in love with these. most of the emoticons made now don't even have the basic :-) and :-D so i'm so glad you made these!
# by Plastonick on 06/21/09 at 02:53:29These emoticons are seriously fabulous. However I'd only use them if you'd make another pack of smaller versions - for those perhaps in IRC rooms where they are used very often in fast paced conversions and simply don't have the room for these emoticons!
Thanks, Plastonick Post a New CommentYou must be logged in to post comments. |
# by Minas-Giliath on 01/30/07 at 19:41:11
i love big smilies ;).. Pourquoi des gifts animés ne sont pas réalisés ?
# by jeby on 01/31/07 at 15:19:58