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Alchemic Circle

Alchemic Circle

Submitted By Kathryn (coerul)


I'm not even a big fan of FMA, but it bothered me that there wasn't just an alchemic circle. xD

I apologize for the size, if I get enough complaints I may make it bigger. The only thing that makes it this "small" is the glow on the new message thinger.

Note: Does not work well on light backgrounds...sorry. Also works well on slightly larger docks. xD; I'm not going to get a good rating on this one but meh.

Fullmetal Alchemist © FUNimation.


2-2-07: Discovered and fixed resolution. Should work better on larger docks.



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# by snarfer on 01/20/07 at 00:35:57

I love FMA. Thank you!

# by Rebekia on 01/20/07 at 21:50:36

I actually really like the geometry and aesthetics of this design. the lack of a dock icon actually makes it stand out having the sort of void of space because of the fine lines of it, but when people IM you..if you get one IM then theres just a thin line with no name showing up for who it is blinking above and if two people IM you then the second persons name will show up HUGE on my dock.

# by coerul on 01/21/07 at 13:13:28

Hmm...I can't imagine why that's happening. I tested this, and the names showed up exactly as they should. I'm not usually one for troubleshooting, but you could try reinstalling the dock icon if this is the only one you have that problem with.

I never have usernames displayed in the dock upon a new message, so I wouldn't have caught that. Perhaps this dock is simply best used without them?

# by Cruciarius on 01/30/07 at 03:59:20

it's Fullmetal, not Full Metal... nice icon though.

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4.00 / 24 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 02/03/07
Fullmetal Alchemist © FUNimation.