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Something Awful Forum Smilies++

Something Awful Forum Smilies++

Submitted By chowdere


A whole bunch of smileys from the SA forums.

laughterguns's icon set with added icons.

Keep voting this down guys, this is probably the worst icon set I've ever seen.


The weighted companion cube joins!

Now with 100% more :awesome:

:smith:, :master:, :iiam:, etc.

From 1.1: fixed :iceburn:, added a couple
From 1.0: fixed :06:, added a bunch of other stuff.



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# by enkuturi-akrias on 01/03/07 at 16:00:15

the cow is cool :D and the badger too

# by Biiaru on 08/08/09 at 22:25:14

The weighted companion cube crashes Adium whenever I scroll by it in the list. Also, it comes up whenever someone types more than two 0's in a row. Any chance of a fix (and maybe the addition of some of the new emotes)?

# by chowdere on 08/09/09 at 01:12:47

I've stopped supporting this since I found That one has more frequent updates and doesn't crash.

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3.10 / 58 votes
Current Version: 1.3
Last Updated: 11/28/07