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Electric Light Adium

Electric Light Adium

Submitted By auspicion


It's ELO for Adium!

With (extremely) short clips of 13 unique ELO songs - some well-known, some not - let people know which band you REALLY love.

Songs used:

"I'm Alive" - Xanadu
"Loser Gone Wild" - Secret Messages
"Eldorado Overture" - Eldorado
"Don't Walk Away" - Xanadu
"Letter From Spain" - Secret Messages
"Here Is The News" - Time
"Confusion" - Discovery
"Send It" - Balance of Power
"Mr. Blue Sky" - Out Of The Blue
"Shangri-La" - A New World Record
"Twilight" - Time
"Calling America" - Balance of Power
"Rockaria!" - A New World Record

If you've got a recommendation as to another bit to use for any action, let me know. I've got their entire catalog at my disposal. (I'm such a loser)


1.0 - prior to 1.0, a folder was downloaded and the sounds had to be chosen manually. Now a functioning AdiumSoundset upon download.


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# by snarfer on 12/13/06 at 14:27:05

I love ELO. I approve.

# by auspicion on 12/15/06 at 01:15:28

Haha, thank you. I do too, obviously : )

# by doubleback on 12/15/06 at 01:11:38

as an alert for when your crazy girlfriend gets online: Don't Bring Me Down.

lol j/p. ELO's whassup yo.

# by auspicion on 12/15/06 at 01:15:08

I was actually thinking of that for the 'error' tone, haha : )

# by doubleback on 12/15/06 at 01:16:46

it's a classic... gotta use it for something... ;-)

# by DrBernie on 12/28/08 at 11:54:46

I like it, some of the sounds seem to cut out quickly at the end which makes the set seem a little less great than it could be.
But overall good job (even if you didn't use my favourite ELO songs :P )

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1.06mb (1387 downloads)

2.80 / 13 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 03/31/08
All music written by and produced by Jeff Lynne