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Adium in a Half-shell

Adium in a Half-shell

Submitted By Austin (vanceab)


I love the ninja turtles and I really like this app so why not combine two good things?

V 0.7 I added pizza boxes for the away message, those turtles love pizza


V 0.7 I added pizza boxes for the away message, those turtles love pizza



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# by evands on 12/08/06 at 02:26:17

Duck power!

# by snarfer on 12/08/06 at 02:29:50

Moderator approves!

# by twistmac on 12/11/06 at 00:46:22

It's cool. It's been done before though, way back in the day.

# by vanceab on 12/11/06 at 00:51:46

I didnt see one on the site so i thought I would give it a whirl

# by twistmac on 12/11/06 at 00:53:45

Yeah that's cool, I have no idea why the old one isn't on here. I like this one though.

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 17:08:41

i have an idea for a new icon
a homer simpson one, what do ya think, ill u make it?

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 17:09:50

sry, will, not ill

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 17:10:17

sry, will, not ill

# by vanceab on 12/29/06 at 17:11:54

Yeah I can start working on that

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 17:11:27

sry bout the second 1
it was an accident

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 20:12:17

how long u think it'll take?

# by vanceab on 12/29/06 at 20:14:26

because of the time of year and me having to work of a good amount of christmas debut i think probably 2 weeks

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 20:21:38

i am looking forward to it
i tried to make my own, but i couldnt figure out how

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 20:22:23

i am looking forward to it
i tried to make my own, but i couldnt figure out how

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 20:23:16

if its exactly two weeks, it would be a perfect b-day present 4 me, my b-day is jan 12

# by vanceab on 12/29/06 at 20:25:09


# by Scanlonc3 on 01/10/07 at 01:07:15

any chance to get a philaelphia phillies or philadelphia phanatic one??

# by vanceab on 01/10/07 at 03:26:31


# by richwyld on 01/18/07 at 01:38:47

good job

# by vanceab on 01/18/07 at 20:51:50


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Current Version: 0.5
Last Updated: 12/13/06
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