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Zelda (Ocarina of Time)

Zelda (Ocarina of Time)

Submitted By Liz (zombihunter)


This is my first SoundSet. I have always been a fan of Zelda (Love OoT and MM the most). I had decided to make a Ocarina of Time SoundSet for myself, and when I saw lot of people like Zelda on here I decided to go ahead and put it up.

All sounds are from N64 Zelda:Ocarina of Time. I do have Status Icons and Message Style I am working on and hopefully will soon have up. These go great with Wolfsoap's or lysistrata398's Dock Icons and mirror_ofthe_moon's Emoticons

Works on Adium 1.0b15
What the sounds are:
Connect - Rooster Crowing (Dawn)
Disconnect - Wold Howling (Dusk)
Message Received (Initial) - Navi "Hello"
Message Received - Navi "Hey"
Message Sent - Generic menu selection sound
Contact Sign On - Open Pause Menu
Contact Sign Off - Close Pause Menu
Contact Went Away/Idle - Navi flying in to Link's Pocket
Contact Return from Away/Idle - Navi flying out of Link's Pocket
Contact Joins - Warp Respawn in
Contact Leaves - Warp Respawn Out
File Transfer Request - Start Game
File Transfer Canceled - Made mistake in learning a song
File Transfer Complete - Played a song correctly
Error - Menu Error
New Email Notification - Get a magic jar "Get Items"


I fixed the contacts logging on and off. Also fixed one of the file transfer sounds. Any one know the name for File Transfer Canceled? I have tried as File Transfer Canceled and File Transfer Canceled Remotely. Only 2 I have found and neither seem to work.


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# by 61Tipo61 on 12/08/06 at 02:36:51

Amazing. Just awesome.

# by coerul on 12/09/06 at 05:09:35

Well done! Navi's "Hey" still gets annoying as usual, but luckily people don't send messages in a stream often. x3

# by drock on 12/09/06 at 18:51:24

Aw, dang, I was just working on making an Ocarina of Time SoundSet. You beat me to it, I wouldn't want to be redundant, as I use quite a few of the same sounds, but in different places. Trying yours out though, some of the sounds don't seem to be working properly. For instance, contact signs on and contact signs off aren't showing up as having sounds. None of the sounds involving file transfer are showing up either. Is this a setting that is incorrect on my side?

# by zombihunter on 12/18/06 at 01:18:33

Thanks for the heads up. Think I got them all working except for the File Transfer Canceled as I have posted above in the changes.

# by Spookster on 12/17/06 at 20:52:22

great set! just what i was looking for :)

# by zombihunter on 12/18/06 at 01:20:53

Also have status icons and message styles. Don't think I can do anything better than Wolfsoap's and lysistrata398's Dock Icons and mirror_ofthe_moon's Emoticons.

# by iPuce on 02/08/07 at 13:12:44

I can't view it on my list of soundsets... Too bad!

# by merkin51 on 02/23/07 at 07:52:17

This is fantastic, absolutely brilliant! Do you have the a soundfile for Navi saying "Hey... listen!"?

# by cynic on 02/28/07 at 00:44:07

A while ago you made a bug report when an Xtra wouldn't upload. I'm having the same problem, how did you get this one to upload?

# by link011 on 07/29/08 at 23:47:41

howcome i cant download it? can somebody list steps for the semi retarded like me>

# by thermal on 10/29/08 at 05:10:55

Excellent set but i think would be better ear navi saying the classic listen each time that receive a new initial message

# by dna_e on 07/08/10 at 11:58:32

duck duck duck duck duck xD luv it

# by tom.marques on 02/11/12 at 23:20:06

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806.52kb (13902 downloads)

3.90 / 88 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 12/09/06
Sounds (C) by Nintendo
Sounds Ripped by HelpTheWretched