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Dofus Emoticons

Dofus Emoticons

Submitted By B O (enkuturi-akrias)


This is a emoticon pack who contains all the emoticon faces of the popular Dofus MMPORPG.

This set is only for fun, but if you want a emoticon pack with more faces for adium, downlad this:



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# by adium on 12/30/06 at 12:49:17

i like it

# by strodoniek on 12/31/06 at 10:57:43

Dofus = shit!

I don't like this game, and I don't like the smileys!

# by Cruciarius on 01/29/07 at 22:38:20

the smilies are decent, but i agree with strodoniek. the game itself isn't that great.

# by coliolio on 09/19/08 at 23:41:27

I think the game is pretty awesome, considering how much it does with such a previously under-utilized tool (flash). Also I dig the smilies a lot, but they're so pixelated along the edges...

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189.65kb (2849 downloads)

2.90 / 38 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 11/23/06