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Submitted By Kathryn (coerul)


I got tired of yellow emotes on a lot of forums, so I made panda emotes. I love pandas.

Every pixel of these pandas I made myself. The Domopanda is even animated! And for those familiar with forum emoticons you'll notice the Panda Gonk. xD (You can even type in :gonk: to use it! xD)


1-21-07: Added a few new pandas, plus rainbow pandas!



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# by ruki-sama on 11/04/06 at 22:26:07

I love you. This is exactly what I've been looking for. Pandas are one of my absolute favorite animals. I even made a group that's dedicated to them/kawaii I usually don't even look through the emoticons section because I never like anything, sadly, so I'm very happy to see this! Thank you, and you've done a great job on these!

# by Reita-sama on 07/20/07 at 08:08:46

Where the hell have you been? D:

# by Cruciarius on 01/29/07 at 22:31:18

nice! i just wish their were more, like... a complete set to replace all yahoo & aim emotes, along with using the same commands (so i don't need to learn all new ones). it's missing ones, like... angel, hug, blush, etc. i hope to see an update that includes almost everything, so i can trash all of my other emotes.

# by coerul on 01/30/07 at 19:23:54

I really don't plan on making a "complete" set of these, just adding them as I come up with them. These are harder to work with than simple circles with faces. It's harder to show certain emotions, and actions like hugging. It's a pretty limited canvas really. I hardly see people using emotes aside from the basic set like this anyway. Unless they like using faces like :Z and :X, in which case Weirdmotes is more appropriate. xD

The commands will probably never change. Although you can substitute = for :. xD;;

What I usually do is just set whatever emotes I like and let other people's incoming to be text. If I really want to know what it is, I can turn on the emotes for that messenger and see, then turn them off.

# by Reita-sama on 07/20/07 at 08:10:03

Awesome, nice to see that pandas are getting some love.

Very cute. : )

# by solly3 on 03/15/08 at 07:53:39

How do you make your own smiley set?

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Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 01/21/07