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Submitted By Adriano Manocchia (SalsaShark) |
DescriptionThis is a WebKit message style for AdiumX based on Star Trek LCARS. There is a version with a header and a version without. Each version contains several color schemes and style variants.CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by SalsaShark on 06/23/04 at 15:34:34Yeah, I thought about including contact list styles to match, but I was kind of LCARSed-out. I'll probably include them in the next update when my brain recovers =]
# by SalsaShark on 06/24/04 at 14:04:33Someone requested the header to be a footer and it looks pretty good. It will be incorporated into the next release, but you can get the standalone message style here:
http://www.funmac.com/attachment.php?...mentid=2412 # by smajor on 06/27/04 at 16:03:37I've just uploaded a Star Trek sound set that includes a variant with only LCARS computer sounds to compliment this theme. Hopefully, it'll be approved soon.
# by Patrick on 02/02/05 at 20:30:28haha That's great! Man, nomatter what the skinnable program, someone comes out with an LCARS theme. Bonus points to whoever knows what LCARS stands for. :D
# by on 03/17/05 at 06:59:31Ah, back during Adium .60 I used this skin, and I still do! Kudos to you!
# by on 05/03/05 at 21:16:54hmm .80 is doing something funky with the timestamps
Not a show-stopper, but noticable... ANyway - I like this one very much and will certainly continue using it! # by on 05/03/05 at 23:33:48I'm not seeing any problems. If you could provide me with a screenshot or more info, e-mail me. Thanks.
# by Adriano Manocchia on 05/04/05 at 17:32:21I take it back. There's definitely an issue with away/active updates and overriding outgoing font color. I'll fix those and do some updates as soon as I can. Thanks.
# by on 06/20/05 at 16:04:59This is a truly fantastic set!!! In combination with the LCARS sound-set the effect is absolutely amazing.
It's probably not possible to skin the message-window itself, is it? And how about the contact-list, is there something available to make that fall in line with the LCARS-theme? # by RossGGG on 03/06/06 at 05:20:24I'm having a problem with the outgoing font. It shows up as black on my screen so that I can't see it on the background of the lcars style, but if I change it to white the person I'm IMing can't see the message.
# by Zephyr on 01/19/07 at 03:08:52This is superb. Awesome. Uber. I love it. However, where can I find the LCARS Adium contact list? Someone mentioned there was one but I cannot locate it anywhere. # by mr_max on 05/22/07 at 06:31:50Sorry but how can I install those? After downloading and installing into my Xtras manager, I can't figure how to activate this fantastic set!? The only thing I could set is the Dock icon...
thanks for help, Live long and prosper max ;-) # by guardian_proxy on 06/10/07 at 00:46:12You have to download the link rather then install. Install doesn't seem to work for the current version I'm using. Then you open the dmg file and double click on the files that you need.
# by HeadCrab007 on 06/15/07 at 18:13:13Love it! It's just the right touch of Retro. Kind of reminds me of F-zero endless challenge, from SNES.
# by funkypepper on 01/29/08 at 18:09:35love to see it as a contact list style! with opaque background, only frame colors are visible, and contacts with swiss911 font. would be incredible..
would perfectly fit with my ncc 1701 d wallpaper.. # by funkypepper on 01/29/08 at 18:31:37but i have some problems, fonts do not display as smooth as it's been shown here. is there a way to fix it? for instance i can't see the middle parts of a, o and else. also fonts are kinda haired :D i'm using the latest build..
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# by ascarinthesky510 on 06/22/04 at 22:52:52