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MacThemes Stickies

MacThemes Stickies

Submitted By neko


Ever go to the forums and think about how awsome those stickie note emoticons they have are?

well, here they are, packaged for adium.

all i did was package them into an adiumemoticonset file. all credit goes to and whoever first invented these emoticons.

everyone stop emailing me about using these on your blog. i'm not the rightsholder, so don't ask me.

love the look of paper? try Pushpin as your message theme!


2.0 - removed the white border for use in dark message themes! sadly, a side effect is no more shadow. so I packaged the old version for light message themes. also, i added xD and lol as triggers to lol.


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# by Akurin on 10/03/06 at 21:23:05

they look a bit weird on the "Gone Dark" message style.. there's white all around the smileys, maybe a fix?

# by air__devil on 10/03/06 at 23:41:03

Dude, they're great! And kind of remind me of Bill Waterson's art! Always a plus :D

# by Dylan1077 on 10/04/06 at 02:59:12

Awesome, I love the MacThemes smilies.

Nice work!

# by xSpikex on 10/04/06 at 06:05:39

haha... I like them

# by cpuente on 10/05/06 at 01:42:08

Nice, really nice!

# by misterfox on 10/12/06 at 13:14:21

OMG!!!! =O this is what i've allways been looking for :D

# by MonsieurLemon on 10/17/06 at 18:17:38

Great work.

# by enkuturi-akrias on 01/13/07 at 18:37:46

OMG looks good!

# by FordPrefect on 01/24/07 at 16:22:44

Good Job.

# by tasmanian_devil on 08/25/07 at 18:46:56

i luv them! I LOVE POST-ITS!!

# by solly3 on 03/15/08 at 08:00:04

How do you make your own smiley set?

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50.61kb (14347 downloads)

3.90 / 149 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 01/22/07
icons ripped from forums