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Submitted By xSpikex


The ClockDock is a clock or speedometer-like Dock Icon, which shows your current status.


1.1 - new connecting animation (if Adium connects, the status-hand will turn around 360 degrees)

1.0 - initial release



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# by snarfer on 08/28/06 at 13:05:46

That's pretty awesome. *Installs*

# by icemonkey004 on 08/28/06 at 17:53:50

I think this is a pretty cool concept, but one thing that needs to be fixed first is the "aqua"-ness....the lighter part of the circle is directly on top of the 'off-away-on' speedometer thing and makes it hard to see at small sizes. If that white semicircle was a little more transparent, or if the background and text were darker...just something to make it easier on the eyes. or if the light was shown coming from a different angle.....or if the speedometer was moved to the right. you know what im saying?

# by Bailey on 08/30/09 at 03:38:22

yeah, that was the dealbreaker for me.

# by drfloppy on 08/28/06 at 18:37:46


# by Shark!! on 08/28/06 at 18:53:12

cool idea, congratz =)

# by DeathAxe on 08/28/06 at 20:44:39

very innovative! It's installing!

# by michelebugliaro on 08/30/06 at 15:29:03

Looks good, well done.

# by damianjh on 10/04/06 at 04:45:15

Awesome! This is definitely my new dock icon.

I should say that I do argee with icemonkey004's comment. Another way of fixing the problem could be to change the background colour of the clock for different states. Eg: Green = online, Yellow = away, Red or Grey = off line. Just I thought.

Other than that, very good indeed.

# by enkuturi-akrias on 10/17/06 at 12:23:15

super icon! is very good! *5 ducks* *download*

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704.98kb (3740 downloads)

4.20 / 45 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 10/02/06