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Fixed minimal_mod

Fixed minimal_mod

Submitted By Aaron Gallagher (habnabit)


After updating to Adium 1.x, I found that Minimal was missing. While minimal_mod was quite a sexy theme, I found that it was lacking timestamps on successive messages. I fixed that and thought that other people might have missed that feature.


Version 1.1: Changed the name of the theme to stop conflicts.



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by snarfer on 08/27/06 at 17:14:20

Sexy. I approve.

# by iGabe on 08/27/06 at 20:55:05


# by DeathAxe on 08/27/06 at 21:24:07


# by dijama on 08/29/06 at 14:41:05

Looks great with a little transparency.

# by kitesinflight on 08/31/06 at 19:21:28

how do you make it more transparent?

# by dijama on 09/01/06 at 11:18:38

First you must be running one of the adium 1.0xxx beta versions. Then just go into the message prefs, select "use custom background", then click color and turn the transparency to whatever floats your boat.

# by pixelatedpirate on 08/30/06 at 15:14:38

You got my 5 star vote. It's minimal without looking like crap. Good job.

# by D14852001neko on 09/02/06 at 01:07:18

Freakinly cool, I used the transparency setting and it rocks!

# by Ripcurl7 on 11/12/06 at 17:30:39

nice! just what i've been waiting for!

# by dhruvk on 12/08/06 at 11:29:05

1.0b16 sprung up some display bugs in this (random HTML code showing up in places). Any plans for a fix?

# by habnabit on 12/08/06 at 13:41:09

Haven't tried it on b16 yet. Will fix as soon as it's installed.

# by jeby on 02/03/07 at 15:41:14

it is possible to have white words on "black trasparent" background?

# by NordMendE on 07/02/07 at 21:59:12

absolutely my favorite. it would be great to have a contact list style of that.

# by KeepLo on 01/26/08 at 16:54:41

I've been using this one for a year now or so. I've never found a better one!
I registered to this site to say: thanx man!!

# by blipoids on 02/10/08 at 08:28:11

I have some issues with this message style... So far It is the best in terms of 'prolonged usability', :)
however I would still like to see the following changes implemented:
- avatars should be better aligned next to the right border .. there too much space currently and it's
a bit of a discomfort to the eye.
- time stamps are too prominent - maybe dim them a little, or even use a lower sized font...
- the first lines from the text messages received, or sent, are too closely spaced vertically to the
nicknames - compared at least with the next line of text you send/receive - that's a little unpleasant.

# by blipoids on 02/10/08 at 11:35:54

Huh?! This is almost two years 'old'... Slim chances then...

# by westcoast021 on 06/07/08 at 09:39:51

yo, this is outstanding. and to the person who figured out the transparency idea, PROPS. looks beautiful...although i had to play around with it because most people will write to you using black as their font colour, so it is necessary to make sure that if black is your main background colour, that you take the opacity way down..i found i had to take it down to between 0-10%. with white as your main background colour, a nice opacity is 65% i found. anybody with any other recommendations holla

# by westcoast021 on 06/07/08 at 09:42:08

p.s. definitely sexy.

# by hazard99 on 09/20/08 at 02:39:35

This theme is amazing... however I have a request. I'd like to be able to change the font color of the text to a light grey or white. I have a dark background, and I like keeping the message window a little transparent, making it difficult to see text. I've been looking in the theme for a way to change it, but I can't find a line of code for the text color :/

# by yoinj on 11/16/08 at 15:18:51

Hi! I love minimal_mod, I've used it from the beginning! So I want to thank you, really, you're great!
I have just a little trouble: how can background be white for my messages and also for messages coming in? (sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand me...) I'm not able to... Could you, or someone else, help me, pls?
Thanx, yoi :-)))

# by EX144 on 04/10/09 at 03:17:04

it's... angelic.

# by chimerical on 05/27/10 at 21:01:14

# by chimerical on 05/27/10 at 21:02:16

I should clarify, the scrollbar behavior is what's broken. Notice the header.

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28.33kb (21478 downloads)

4.10 / 131 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 08/29/06