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Random Buddy Icon (on connect)

Random Buddy Icon (on connect)

Submitted By Jon Carr (bonniejonnie)


Randomly selects a buddy icon each time you connect.

How to use
  1. Open Finder and go to the "Pictures" folder in your Home directory.
  2. Create a new folder called "icons".
  3. Place a series of images into this folder. Ideally you should crop them square in your graphics editor. I used the JPEG format. I didn't test any other formats but I assume the obvious ones will work.
  4. Download and extract the AppleScript.
  5. Place the AppleScript in ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Scripts/.
  6. Open Adium's Preferences and go to "Events". Create a new event for "You Connect", and choose "Run an AppleScript". Browse to the location of the AppleScript you just created in the above step. Click OK and close the preferences.

This is based purely on Takumi Murayama's 'Random Buddy Icon' AppleScript... except it randomises on connection rather than at given intervals.

This script could do with a lot more work, especially as regards making it easier to install. Also, if you use more than one service you'll find the script chooses a new image upon connection of each service, which is somewhat annoying. I don't have the know-how to fix these problems but alas, I figured I'd post it up anyway. Maybe someone else could give it a go.


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# by Jomatotu on 09/14/06 at 23:30:57

THANKS a lot...finally i found something that works. i set the event to "send message" and i loove it. you made my day

# by spartin92 on 11/02/06 at 00:47:31

is there any way that you can add support for GIFs?
thanks this is a sweet script

# by spartin92 on 11/02/06 at 00:51:18

sorry about my last comment, i didn't realize that the GIF was moving... and thanks again for the script

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30.28kb (817 downloads)

4.00 / 4 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 08/20/06
Takumi Murayama (zaudragon).