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Submitted By D Rock (drock)


Weirdmotes, perfect for people who like to use some of the weirder text emoticons. I did not make these. They are by darkmoon3636 on DeviantArt (they can be found here). It says in her FAQ that people can feel free to use them in IMs. I wanted to be able to use them in Adium, and after I got it all figured out, decided to post them so other people could quickly and easily use them too.

You can use = or : for eyes, with or without a - for a nose.


1.0 - The original set by darkmoon3636, shown in the first image.
2.0 - Added the second set by darkmoon3636, shown in the second image.
2.1 - Added a :D smilie made in same style for a different project by darkmoon3636.
3.0 - Added the third set by darkmoon3636, shown in the third image, including a slightly different version of the :D smilie. There is now at least one smilie for each capital letter! lol.
3.1 - Added updated version of the :< smilie. Plus, added some variants, such as the ability to type :p as well as :P

Adium Moderator's note: The set by 'darkmoon3636', of which this is a port, is called "Tardmotes". This name is not acceptable by the standards of the Adium community because it is potentially offensive, so the AdiumXtra has been renamed "Weirdmotes".



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# by ruki-sama on 07/23/06 at 13:47:33

These are perfect! Can't wait to use them, great job!

# by dizzylizzie322 on 07/24/06 at 21:13:22


# by lolamione on 07/24/06 at 21:21:10

These are the cutest!

# by wordsofwisedumb on 08/05/06 at 17:03:14

Nice set. Really appropriate for some people on my buddy list...
Thanks for pointing out that error in Window Controls, I think I have it fixed now if you want the updated version. (I couldn't find any other way to let you know so I figured I would post it here.)

# by coerul on 10/13/06 at 05:25:34

They're adorable!
I just noticed that she came out with a second set of Tardmotes. Are those to come?

# by drock on 10/13/06 at 12:28:26

Yes, I just saw those a few days ago, and I've slowly been working on adding them. A new version will be released soon.

# by kineticturtle on 10/18/06 at 15:22:24

I love these so much!
Could you perhaps add = variants to the definitions?

like =) and = and =D

Then they'd be perfect!

# by drock on 10/19/06 at 02:45:59

You already can use = or : for eyes, with or without a - for a nose. The only time the equals sign won't work is for =0, =3, and =x, to avoid problems if you are IMing about math. But the equals sign should work with everything else!

# by kineticturtle on 10/19/06 at 04:54:31

Haha, hey, I'm totally crazy, you even put that in the description.
Totally my bad, I wasn't thinking.

What I meant was some particular smileys like =D that don't work, but in reality, I'm just a lazy little man and I should add those myself if I want them so much.

That being said, =( doesn't work. Is that because of math as well?

You're awesome thanks!

# by drock on 10/19/06 at 13:49:06

No, there is no =D or =( because Darkmoon didn't draw those, at least not yet. She was going more for weird emoticons like =C or =[ or =

# by drock on 10/19/06 at 13:54:29

I said "equals less than", and it thought I was writing HTML and cut me off. *ahem* Tardmotes is more of a supplemental emote pack of weird emoticons, so if you want the normal emotes, you can use a different set for those, and then use Tardmotes also to add all the weird ones, like =J. Since the Tardmotes are supposed to weird, I doubt Darkmoon will add any more normal ones besides =), but if she does make normal ones in the same style, I will be sure to add them to the set!

# by kineticturtle on 10/19/06 at 14:04:49

Yeah, I'm just a glutton for consistency though, so I'll probably force it for the time being. ;-)

# by drock on 11/30/06 at 17:51:41

Just letting you know that =D has been added! I hope darkmoon makes more Tardmote style-emoticons at random like this one.

# by kineticturtle on 11/30/06 at 17:54:30

Sweeeeeet! Thanks for letting me know!

# by twalichiewicz on 12/03/06 at 18:34:24

Here are some I'd like to see:


# by drock on 12/04/06 at 17:09:30

Do you think I should set :1 as a variant for :T and :7 as a variant for :J for the time being?

# by twalichiewicz on 12/04/06 at 23:16:49

yes the for :1, but :7 is more like sader than :J

# by Imon on 01/22/07 at 14:22:07

best emoticon set here! very cute :) i like the simple style.
very popular ones:
XD or xD (i really hate that one, but everybody uses this.)
:* (come on, wheres the love :p)
again: thanks for that set! its awesome!
greetings from austria D:

# by Imon on 01/22/07 at 18:45:25

oh, and i forgot:
they are missing!
greets :)

# by highpass on 01/23/07 at 09:16:27

Indeed, i noticed the missing wink. Probably one of the top 5 most used emoticons yet sadly this set doesn't seem to have it. Apart from that, love these to bits.

# by lightxs on 03/28/07 at 23:28:56

This is my favourite emoticon set. Only sad thing is, there isn't a wink emoticon. But other than that, it's perfect!!

# by azzua on 04/16/07 at 01:23:55

These are simply the BEST emoticons I've ever seen for any program anywhere. I love them! These are the emoticons I use on a daily basis, hahah.
You might consider adding in the future:

# by tasmanian_devil on 09/18/07 at 01:08:33

cute!! i luv em. they are so awesome!

# by dcentity2000 on 02/02/08 at 23:06:05


# by Anonymous on 02/03/08 at 11:26:56

I installed those they are so awesome!

# by solly3 on 03/15/08 at 07:59:03

How do you make your own smiley set?

# by pinkfish on 06/08/08 at 00:26:36

They are called tardmotes or tard emoticons. ^^

# by drock on 06/08/08 at 06:52:50

Please read before commenting.

# by Juniper on 10/30/08 at 18:02:46

I love these

# by arisen on 08/18/10 at 07:06:51

These are, by far, the best emoticons I've seen on any client.

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Current Version: 3.1
Last Updated: 01/31/08