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Stockholm Status Icons

Stockholm Status Icons

Submitted By Matthew Bice (iheartny)


These status icons are designed to compliment the Stockholm Message Style and Stockholm Contact List.


- Content icon is updated to be more distiguisable from Offline status.

- Initial release.



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# by DeathAxe on 07/12/06 at 21:21:54

wow, beautiful!

# by Sean on 07/12/06 at 21:23:36

Amazing, you've done it again! I love the Stockholm message style and I'm in love with these icons.

# by Catfish_Man on 07/13/06 at 03:27:20

Large amounts of awesomeness. Added to 1.0 for b5

# by Mxwllsmrt4 on 07/13/06 at 15:24:26

really sweet, when is the contact list style going to be up?

# by Catfish_Man on 07/13/06 at 16:33:15

After using these for a day, the only complaint I have is that "unread content" is the same color as offline. It's thrown me off a few times.

# by iheartny on 07/13/06 at 16:39:22

Good feedback, perhaps I should make offline more transparent. I'll work on it.

# by iheartny on 07/13/06 at 16:40:59

Oh wait, now I see what you are saying. Hmm, Unread Content might work in blue... Let me explore some options.

# by iheartny on 07/14/06 at 13:26:46

Try the blue Content icon. I'll be updating the Contact List shortly to make blue the new "Unviewed content" color. This works well actually since green should have alway been used for "Come online".

# by jms1223 on 07/16/06 at 10:42:40

can you update the tab-newcontent icon to be blue as well? That would be great. Thanks, and awesome work on this whole package youve got goin...dock icon next?

# by vip on 07/16/06 at 17:27:28

I hope so :)

# by iheartny on 07/16/06 at 19:19:08

I'm not sure what you mean. The I just downloaded the icons and checked the contents. The tab-content.png is blue.
Thanks for the compliments!

# by vip on 07/16/06 at 21:23:02

Ah, I was "hoping" for a dock icon :P

# by jms1223 on 07/16/06 at 23:28:53

Ah, I trashed the old version and redownloaded and restarted Adium and now its better...probably a cached version's about a new dock icon?

# by iheartny on 07/17/06 at 13:08:15

Good news :)
As a best practice I recommend the default Adiumy Dock Icon... but if you're looking for an alternative you might try this Domo Kun icon I created long ago. If I ever get it tranfered to my name I might even update it.

# by twee.doderik on 07/18/06 at 04:18:17

They are great, but I have a problem, that I can use only three icons. Green, white and red. No more. I dont know where the problem is. Can you please help me. If I use chat bubbles, everythings fine. But not these. Im using icq protocol.

# by iheartny on 07/18/06 at 20:03:34

I'm not able to verify this problem because I'm not an ICQ user. Can anyone else confirm?

# by lolamione on 07/25/06 at 23:36:43

These are great, the colours, the clarity, the sizing - everything is perfect about these status icons! Great job :D

# by xSpikex on 08/03/06 at 16:22:44

very very very good!

# by slgeo1 on 08/05/08 at 02:55:03

A suggestion: the 'entered text' icon often has me waiting expectantly even though the person has stopped typing (and perhaps even given up on sending something). Could the picture of a pencil be on its side (ie, they put down their pencil) so it's clearer they're not writing?

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16.89kb (20397 downloads)

3.90 / 234 votes
Current Version: 4.1
Last Updated: 07/14/06
Matthew Bice,