Dock Icons Emoticons Contact List Styles Message Styles Sound Sets AppleScripts Status Icons Service Icons Menu Bar Icons Plugins Miscellaneous All


Submitted By Alliston Media (alliston_media)


Sylish professional looking contact list. My first attempt!

I have window style set to Group Bubbles;
Auto-resize: Size to fit vertically.

Not sure if those settings are saved within the contact list file?


0.2 - Tweaked the colours for different states and added some event colours too.

As before: Window Style set to Group Bubbles; and Auto-resize vertically.

Also under the view menu I have the Sort Contacts By Status; Show Offline Contacts and Show Groups ticked.

Again not sure if those settings are saved within the contact list file, so I thought I'd mention them.



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# by Maverick on 07/06/06 at 15:43:26

Looking good! looks great with Unsanity!!

# by alliston_media on 07/21/06 at 03:45:37

Thanks very much.
Glad you like it :)

# by Maverick on 07/22/06 at 01:36:28

I meant...UnityGK Theme (not Unsanity)

# by Makkisan on 08/29/06 at 13:00:42

Excellent list thanks for this.

# by dbalieiro on 11/23/07 at 01:37:50

[>][using with:]

>Service icons - Aqua
>Status icons - Handdrawn Color
>Menu Bar icons - AdiumyColor
>Dock icons Adium Green

>WINDOW STYLE - Group Bubbles

>MESSAGE STYLE - MetalChat2 [Blue & Red] [all checked]

>SOUND SET - Matrix fo Adium [with some custom options

[link][ ]

# by dbalieiro on 11/23/07 at 01:40:19

[>][thanks Alliston Media, this is the very best [...] well, you know things can be changed [...] keep working please]


# by dosteen on 03/11/08 at 18:04:33

Alliston Media,

What status icons are displayed under the "Images" section? I cannot find them. Thanks.

# by alliston_media on 08/11/08 at 06:39:01

Hi, it's been a while since I've checked on here so sorry for the delay in responding.

Under the Appearance section and then under Status Icons I am using iBubble Status :)

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3.90 / 72 votes
Current Version: 0.2
Last Updated: 07/21/06
Alliston Media