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Submitted By Richard Gilbert (dcentity2000)


Square and bold status icons in two flavours: original (top preview) and traditional (bottom preview).


1.0 - Initial release



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# by ispytonyv on 07/06/06 at 12:20:26

Ignore this comment if it's the same person, but Spike May had a set called colored-boxes that these are strikingly similar to. Does this person also go by Imeem? If not you should credit May as well.

# by dcentity2000 on 07/06/06 at 12:26:28

Could you point me towards the extra? Thanks!

# by ispytonyv on 07/06/06 at 12:29:52

# by dcentity2000 on 07/06/06 at 14:11:26

Oh, I know that one (and love it!)

Spike May's colored boxes are, I think, rather different - the only similarity I can spot is the shape. The squares here have thinner borders which are two tone and have gradient fills of different colours.

To be honest, they are so different to my eyes that they work in different ways. Colored Boxes work best with a glassy, colourful setup and are very well matched to the other extras by the author. These icons, Framed, are more universal and in turn less suitable to particular setups.

Kind of a trade off I guess.

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/05/06
Imeem, one of whose images prompted me to make this.