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Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama

Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama

Submitted By Trevin Ward (tedger)


It's everyone's favorite crustacean like alien! Dr. John Zoidberg! With Sleepy Zoidberg waking up to connect, angry zoidberg holding signs for away and idle, and jumpy zoidberg for alerts, this is the icon for all Zoidberg fans.
Now there is a new Alert animation with Zoidberg freaking out to get your attention.



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# by tedger on 06/07/04 at 19:03:12

If anyone thinks they would like to see any other Futurama Character I'd love to consider making it. I'm always looking for a little project.

# by on 06/15/04 at 01:08:52

I want Fry! Bender too!

# by tedger on 06/16/04 at 21:44:11

Yeah they were next on my list, (btw I'm not the person that has done the other two Futurama icons) I'll see about it when I feel like it. It's currently not a matter of time, its a matter of devoting it, takes the time to find the right shots.

# by Frank on 11/25/04 at 10:11:05

naked amy!

# by John on 12/09/04 at 18:02:57

My whole kingdom for a Bender Adium icon...

# by cant-remember on 03/30/05 at 17:48:44


# by on 03/30/05 at 17:51:16

Yeah, bender would be good. I'll see about doing it. Right now I'm pretty busy with school and work and life. I may be up for it this weekend, I'll see.

# by tanaciousp on 10/16/05 at 18:01:43

A futurama soundset would be awesome

# by defjukie on 05/25/06 at 15:28:15

Dude, the Zoidberg Soundset is ESSENTIAL!

# by Dy3pBa11a1713 on 06/05/07 at 01:25:48

if ur making anything, could u make a paintball icon

# by Zoidberg on 06/15/07 at 13:28:58

This is an absolute must-have! Thank you for this great icon!

# by cecil29000 on 09/17/08 at 19:18:28

keeps crashing Adium :(

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231.64kb (6715 downloads)

3.60 / 147 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 06/22/04
Zoidberg is a character from Fox's Futurama created by Matt Groening and David X. Cohen