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MacBook Adiumy

MacBook Adiumy

Submitted By Josh Crang (Szilard)


A duck with a MacBook.

If you're looking for a black duck, it can be found here.


Version 1.0 : Added a white version.


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# by Lode on 06/03/06 at 07:11:37

Superb! Awesome! :D

# by 61Tipo61 on 06/04/06 at 20:29:39

/me cries. I want a MacBook. Awesome icons, just as the rest of the *book adiumys. 5 ducks.

# by djahughes on 06/19/06 at 05:50:00

Pleeeeeease make a white one! :-)


# by Sajdak on 09/14/06 at 13:05:00

Yes, the white one will be great! :-)

# by Nemo on 11/01/06 at 22:52:36

Great!!!Realy fits nicely on my MacBook's screen..!! :)

# by Hank-the-Cowdog on 01/13/07 at 06:33:40

Exxxxxcellent! Brilliant idea! I love the Blue Duck with the black macbook.

# by adiumlover on 02/15/07 at 01:58:29

I love it! My favorite is the green and white. Good job, keep working on these xtras!

# by Nickleeee on 02/17/07 at 19:33:51

Can you make these with the Black Adiumy Duck? That would be awesome.

# by kookoo2052 on 03/29/07 at 03:01:44

can you make the colors brighter and on the other ones they have shadows and i think that would be nice please

# by bassman92 on 08/24/07 at 00:05:54

theese are great, i love them!!!!!!!

# by Rotkaeppchen on 10/22/07 at 09:29:27

Really great! But I'd also really love a black duck!

# by kevindosi on 11/03/07 at 23:17:45

black duck would be cool but -
is it possible to have an icon for itunes status/invisible status? i'd like to see the duck wearing headphones for itunes status, and a clear duck (like the glass icon) for invisible status.

# by Szilard on 11/03/07 at 23:52:12

I've actually had the black version for quite a while (sent personally to the above two requesters), but seeing as it's so popular, I've added as an optional download (see description) until I roll it into the standard download. Invisible is possible, but I'll wait until Leopard's 512x512 icons get supported before I think about making a new version. Adium current does not support dock icons with iTunes status. Thanks for supporting my icons!

# by teddybear on 01/09/08 at 06:10:53


# by halliegammon on 01/18/08 at 03:38:37

it would be nice if the duck didn't come back to flap for messages when he's away from the computer. other than that, awesome!

# by foblover on 02/05/08 at 01:00:50

Thats SO AWESOME! Great job!

# by wesg on 02/25/08 at 17:45:13

Great icon! My new default.

# by solly3 on 02/26/08 at 18:31:32

REALLY cool 6/6

# by ovizcarravaz on 03/19/08 at 03:14:31

Can you please make a Macbook pro one "mettal cover", thank you

# by The_DC on 04/06/08 at 14:16:56

this one is AWSOME!!!

# by F.G on 04/07/08 at 19:56:35

wow very nice

# by Chibi on 08/16/08 at 06:51:53

Very nice!~

# by damato019 on 09/11/08 at 11:40:04

Wow, that's really good. (:

# by galena417 on 01/28/09 at 19:21:37

I love these! Currently using the purple one with a black MacBook (but I'd love a silver one to match my MacBookPro).

# by M-B on 02/15/09 at 02:52:06

Is there any chance you could make some for the new late 2008 MacBooks and MacBook Pros? That would be sooooo good if you did! :D

# by Rocktheduck on 04/24/09 at 01:26:19

please make a black duck with this!!! it is my favorite duck!

# by Rocktheduck on 04/24/09 at 01:26:20

please make a black duck with this!!! it is my favorite duck! p.s- i love this icon

# by nahbi on 06/06/09 at 05:04:52

I love these but they don't seem to work on my Mac :(... I can only see the computer, but the duck is missing for all colors.. How do I make them work?

# by nahbi on 06/06/09 at 05:16:58

nevermind... i figured it out.. haha stupid question

# by hectormaster on 08/02/09 at 01:51:23

asoooommmmeee xDD

# by noeldiego on 04/20/10 at 16:48:27

Awesomeness! :D

# by kendrewlok on 05/09/10 at 17:52:20


# by niti_c on 07/06/10 at 14:37:41

where i find red duck ?


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640.72kb (105714 downloads)

3.80 / 612 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 06/20/06
‣ Adam Betts for the original Duck
‣ Apple Computer, Inc. for the MacBook