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Notebook |
Submitted By gaszefid |
DescriptionLooks like your everyday lined notebook paper. You might have to tweak your width settings etc to get it to look right. Enjoy!Note that you'll need to Download (not Install) the Xtra to see and install the fonts and background. Double click the .ListLayout and .ListTheme files to install them. CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by gaszefid on 05/26/06 at 08:07:34wow, thanks so much! I had no idea this would get such a positive repsonse.
# by blake on 05/26/06 at 14:15:54Sorry for the stupid question, but where is notebook.png supposed to be placed?
# by gaszefid on 05/26/06 at 16:23:24blake- that's not stupid! I'll post a picture to help you out.
# by da_baum on 05/27/06 at 23:23:42Preview looks nice! I am currently taking a break from Adium, so I can't install it at the moment, but I'll probably give this a try once/if I get back on it. If I can remember. Love the fonts too. :)
# by @ybee on 05/28/06 at 08:45:20Wierd, it won't put the image as a background :(
I get a black background... # by twfarley on 05/28/06 at 10:17:07It has to be a Regular Window or a Borderless window to work.
# by blake on 05/29/06 at 03:58:26That was my problem then. I was using a "group bubble" window layout.
# by alexks3 on 06/01/06 at 15:27:14Hey, I'm having the same problem, but even when I switch to Regular Window or Borderless window, I still can't see the background image. All I see is white. This seems to be a great xtra, but I can't use it.
# by alexks3 on 06/01/06 at 16:18:49Never-mind, I figured it out, and thanks for the great contact list style
# by anewleaf on 09/01/07 at 05:47:28change the picture format from png to jpg. adium doesn't seem to recognise png pictures for some reason.
# by imadictd2oranges on 10/08/07 at 20:07:45okay i did everything you said to do..and its still not working
i saved the picture as a jpeg, made sure that it was a borderless window and i customized the color theme...and the notebook background still isn't showing up!!!! I don't know if you can still help or not...but I hope you can! # by DarynAR on 05/28/06 at 15:13:25This is positively the sexiest thing that I have ever seen in my entire life....i swear to you!
# by DarynAR on 05/28/06 at 15:22:05but... my only stipulation is that its a massive buddy list layout for my tiny little powerbook 12 inch...but i still think it is genius, fonts and all
# by gaszefid on 05/30/06 at 19:32:13darynar, try deselecting "show offline contacts". that should trim your list down.
# by catzforever on 05/30/06 at 20:59:48I liked it so much I found a way to apply a similar look to the message window. Use notebook.png as a 'Background' (tiled), iChadium as the 'Message style' and Akbar 13 as the 'Text display'font. :)
# by ispytonyv on 06/01/06 at 04:33:27I only wish that the names lined up with the paper better... really original though!
# by iambatman on 06/02/06 at 06:29:34really like it: 5/5... now i wish a had a similair message style to go with it
# by iambatman on 06/07/06 at 06:23:26oh :( but i want a notebook message style.. not fair!
# by clarracuda on 06/07/06 at 08:54:50sorry, i'm a complete noob to the mac/adium world...i'm still completely confused on how to download this. everytime i download it, and put it in my resources folder od adium, and double click .ListLayout and .ListTheme, then restart Adium, and follow the picture instructions.. i my contact list is still black. even if i change it to regular window or borderless :(.. could someone please help me? is there any way someone give me step by step instructions or something? thanks i'd greatly appreciate it! IM me at csugar246.
# by fissure on 08/13/06 at 18:54:25Wouldn't it be fairly easy to make the lines line up with the contacts? Also, I don't see why the provided image is so large when all you need is a single line with some space to repeat.
It's an awesome idea! Just could improve :) # by jessevinet on 11/09/06 at 02:35:43HELP!!! i'm having a huge problem
i installed this and it looks gorgeous but i want the font to it...and there is no section on fonts. help...what do i do? where is this gorgeous font? # by mattgetscrunk on 12/28/06 at 22:45:22The fonts are in the downloaded folder, and all you do is drag and drop them into the Font Book, which is the font application for mac. Font book is in the application folder, so open it up annd drag and drop.
Hope this helps. # by mattgetscrunk on 12/23/06 at 14:32:49doesn't work for the beta, any reason why? (all the other xtras seem to work with the beta)
i could chanage to the normal adium version, but this one is a lot better :P # by Ruzi on 01/10/07 at 02:54:06Hey,
I accidently clicked install before I clicked download, and now I can't seem to get it to work even though everything is set up correctly. Is there a way I can remove it and then reinstall it to try again? # by enkuturi-akrias on 01/30/07 at 15:52:03try in *your session*/library/application support/adium 2.0/Contact list/ and here is the file
# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/05/07 at 03:29:05I couldn't really get this to work, nice idea though.
# by brendino on 02/11/07 at 19:13:50Excellent job. A message style would be nice, but it might be too matchy. Anyway, I'm not complaining.
# by tuffluffjimmy on 03/28/07 at 22:11:17im having trouble with it because only half of my contact list shows up with the notebook background, the other have is in blackness. any help, please?
# by irishchick88 on 04/07/07 at 14:43:39Where did you get the symbols that are in your group titles? they're great.
I love the layout! # by irishchick88 on 04/07/07 at 15:40:25also, i no longer have the feature that when i put my cursor over a contact, their info pop's up... any idea's why or how to get it back? its kinda a pain to have to look at their info to see away messages.
Thanks!!!! # by tasmanian_devil on 05/18/07 at 00:43:48could u make it be in the group bubbles? that's the one I use.. :?
# by Skye on 06/01/07 at 12:52:37this is amazing!!! i downloaded it months ago but i couldn't figure out how to get it to work (i had it on group bubbles), but when i read the comments i figured it out and ... voila! it works! i love this style so much i'll use it forever!! (sorry i didn't mean to write a book)
# by beasy on 07/10/07 at 18:13:19i finally got it to partly work by restarting adium but now all i have is the font on a white background and i cant figure out how to get it to look like paper. any suggestions?
# by awirstam on 07/15/07 at 22:50:25when I dubbel click on the files as it said I should nothing happends
What app should I open them with? and I do have the window right. got the fint right. but I cant get the background to work och the window style plz help # by butimjessica on 08/17/07 at 14:48:11I love it, but even with the "show offline contacts" unchecked, the list is long and blank.
# by jaiysea on 09/25/07 at 03:27:21ow do you have the symbols in yours i think thats a really cool feauture but i havent seen a response for it on here... any help? thankss!!
# by lilcutie10304 on 11/21/07 at 21:28:33in what folder does the list layout go? the double clicking to install didnt work so i have to manually place the files but i cant seem to figure out where the .listlayout goes
thanks # by lilcutie10304 on 11/21/07 at 21:34:32ok i got the fonts and the contact list thing situated but now the notebook bg isnt showing up. any ideas?
# by zamalicious on 12/02/07 at 19:56:33how do u get status icons?? or do they not work with this layout? either way this thing is so awesome its totally worth it!!!
# by cherry_lucuu on 12/11/07 at 14:19:47i have download all. buat i still can`t open the notebook.listLayout anda notebook.listTheme. can you tell me why? is it because i use mac OS X version 10.4.10?
# by charlie on 01/15/08 at 12:52:13It is great!! thank-you! .. One question: is it possible to have it working with "group bubbles" .. just to have smoothed corners!
# by elaboratedream on 01/24/08 at 22:29:19I dig it! I didn't really think I would at first, but now that I'm using it I'm really fond of it. Well done!
# by aichoco on 01/25/08 at 11:40:47That won't put the image as a background ...
I get a white background... please help me figure out ~! # by iamatomicboy on 02/03/08 at 20:43:42i'm having the same problem as others above...
double clicking doesnt work for those files. i'm on 10.4 # by AdiumHipster on 03/05/08 at 05:33:36I have the same issues as well and I use Leopard. Looks like it would be nice, but too much of a hassle.
# by bellamissboo on 04/12/08 at 20:23:48help
i have downloaded the notebook background but can't open these two files to get the cool writing - text-Note that you'll need to Download (not Install) the Xtra to see and install the fonts and background. Double click the .ListLayout and .ListTheme files to install them. I am on a MAC running tiger Any suggestions on how to save these to open thanks much love lulu # by GeckoMan on 06/10/08 at 10:14:53very nice, my only question, getting the peace, male and female symbols in there! how does one accomplish that?
# by splodgecat on 10/09/08 at 17:26:26hi mate. these symbols as well as many others can be accessed by clicking Edit in the menubar of any app, and then Special Characters. You have access to loads of symbols including the ones shown above. I myself have the male and female symbols, as well as a plane symbol for my work colleagues (I'm an air traffic controller). Looks quality. Just make sure you click the cursor into the wherever you want to type the symbol. i.e. right click on the group and click Get Info, in order to change the name, then when you're ready to type the name, do the above. Cheers
# by splodgecat on 10/09/08 at 17:27:05hi mate. these symbols as well as many others can be accessed by clicking Edit in the menubar of any app, and then Special Characters. You have access to loads of symbols including the ones shown above. I myself have the male and female symbols, as well as a plane symbol for my work colleagues (I'm an air traffic controller). Looks quality. Just make sure you click the cursor into the wherever you want to type the symbol. i.e. right click on the group and click Get Info, in order to change the name, then when you're ready to type the name, do the above. Cheers
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# by evands on 05/25/06 at 23:56:40