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Submitted By xSpikex


Little Apple Logos as status icons.



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# by alessia on 06/03/06 at 08:53:26

cute!!! I love them...

# by maaike on 06/19/06 at 00:33:00

sweet... =D
just love the apple

# by mintebi on 09/12/06 at 00:15:47

Could you make a version for me with blue as online, black-offline, red-away, yellow-idle, green as typing, white as unread?

Thanks for making thiss great set

Thanks if advance

# by xSpikex on 09/16/06 at 10:12:02

Hey mintebi... I made such a version for you... If you give me your email or ICQ/MSN I'll send it to you...

# by mintebi on 09/16/06 at 22:55:02

thanks a ton. you can send it to thanks again

# by scrolls on 09/24/06 at 21:22:06

i downloaded it then put it as my status icons. then ididnt have internet for a while so no that i have internet i came on and my green apples were upside down and ive tryied downloadig it again and that doesnt workso please can soeone tell me wat to do

but anyways there great :D i love em

# by scrolls on 09/24/06 at 21:57:34

sry the problem is not with the set it mus be my adium thank anyways

# by bmeckel on 11/25/06 at 01:04:58

hey, can u make a set for me with black as online, blue as offline, red as mobile, yellow as away, green as typing and white as unread. thanks a ton! (p.s. if you can't do mobile, thats ok.)
-thanks in advance, great job!

# by xSpikex on 11/28/06 at 16:16:10

I will try to find some time for this...

# by bmeckel on 11/25/06 at 01:58:27

p.p.s. scratch the green typing, leave that as is. THANKS!

# by verlaine on 12/10/06 at 18:37:11

how about making them white for available and black for away, idle, etc?

# by macbookcoard on 04/16/07 at 22:51:10

Could you send me the set you sent mintebi please, I love those colors and I love the work you did for them, thanks!

# by jamesf on 06/27/07 at 23:59:23

Nice job. I like these.

# by Venturer on 07/09/07 at 22:08:18

Great... nice ones... 5 Ducks right there

# by YouLoveJessie19 on 05/12/08 at 01:50:35

I love these!! it's just one thing...I can't tell when people are mobile =[
Is there a way to change this? maybe for a future version?

# by basiolum on 09/08/08 at 19:31:46

Awesome set, so cute!! Exactly what I was looking for. However, is there any way you can do a mobile icon, and maybe make the colors somewhat darker? Also, is white unknown? It would be great if that had an outline of sorts. Thanks! Great job! :D

# by Bordgious on 10/11/08 at 20:39:58

I absolutely love this theme!
Definitely the best status icon I've used.

# by mariusvw on 11/03/08 at 09:36:24

Thanks, nice icons!! :)

# by hiddensarah on 02/24/09 at 13:50:50

I love these...but I can't see if someone's mobile. Could you possibly add one apple for this? I think a lot of people would appreciate it...

# by AL3 on 04/28/09 at 03:44:02

Love them! Juas a quick question: I'd like to change a bit the colours, I know how to do it myself, but I can't find the icon files! I'm looking under "Adium>Contents>Resources>Status Icons" but the Little Apples don't appear there... only other icon sets I'm not currently using. Where can I locate, then, the icons? Thanks in advance!

# by DrBernie on 03/13/10 at 10:43:59

They're in
User > Library > Application Support > Adium 2.0 > Status Icons > LittleApples.AdiumStatusIcons

Right-Click > Show Package Contents on that file and you will have them all.

# by lady.vain on 09/30/09 at 16:47:43

Thanks for those icons, I love them! Why not doing the dock icon set too?

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81.32kb (46207 downloads)

4.00 / 248 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 05/12/06
Apple for the logo.