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Proper Sleep

Proper Sleep

Submitted By Robert Hagenström (eobet)


It took me a while (and some convincing) to understand that the default Adium icon actually had its eyes closed when the application wasn't launched. To me, it looked like someone had painted the eyes of the duck green. I read the eyelids as pupils, and still do. In my opinion, they don't work in any resolution but the original 128x128, and as I use much smaller icons, I had to do something about it.

So, here is a really quick update, which I think works. The only thing changed are the eyelids of the duck. I painted them over using a Wacom tablet, and though it is very simple (and quick... I said that, didn't I?) I think it works better than the original. At least I read these eyelids as really closed now.


Ok, the color issue has been resolved. Even though Photoshop reported the original png file as having no color profile, apparently it decided to add its own color profile somewhere in there. I managed to find the correct setting though, so now the icon blends in perfectly with the originals, and I have also put it through PngCrusher from MacUpdate, so that it doesn't waste any space.



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# by evands on 04/16/06 at 14:05:15

Are you using photoshop? If so, try using Save For Web.

# by tamashii on 04/17/06 at 10:54:02

I really think fixes like this are worth a hell of a lot more than a "1 Duck" rating.
Eobet has done a service to better the standard/default icon for those that might think the "Sleep" version of Adiumy is a bit "off". Personally, I had the same thoughts as Eobet. And now, the eyes definitely look like they are in "Sleep" mode.

While this may not be a "5 Ducker", it is certainly not "Poor", which I consider a "1 Duck" rating.

# by julianbennettholmes on 04/17/06 at 23:14:34

Looks great. I say it should be the default, and totally replace the old one.
"5 Ducks"

# by evands on 04/18/06 at 13:57:14

If you'll do the other colors that ship with Adium I'll look at replacing the original files with your new ones :)

# by zaudragon on 05/01/06 at 19:46:25

I think doing this with the original PSD might be better… but that one’s only yellow, right?

# by tasmanian_devil on 04/15/07 at 19:56:25

I like this a lot- the fact that you actually took time to fix an original adium problem

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4.00 / 66 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 04/18/06
Whoever made the original icon.