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Submitted By gaszefid


I made this contact list to go with this cute wallpaper I fount on deviantART.


HUGE apologies to cpbrown, the artist who created this image. Please comment/email if you want me to remove this extra! I will!!



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# by evands on 04/09/06 at 13:31:31

Could you post a link to the wallpaper? I think my girlfriend would love it :)

# by bleste on 04/09/06 at 15:11:38

I did a little search for you on and here it is! (clilck on the image to full-view) hope she likes it

# by gaszefid on 04/09/06 at 19:39:45

thanks! I included it in the .zip file (if you hit "download" instead of "install") too.

# by Maverick on 04/09/06 at 18:07:49

Hello! how did you do those symbols in the Group text? I think they are good when tryaing to keep the things minimal.

# by gaszefid on 04/09/06 at 19:38:35

"symbols"? do you mean status icons? If so, I made them. I haven't uploaded them yet, but I can if you want me to.

# by tsel on 08/02/06 at 12:05:12

I'd really like it if you did.

I'd totally love to see a chatbox style thingy to match too.

# by ispytonyv on 04/09/06 at 19:51:44

no i think they mean the titles of your groups... male/female symbols and whatnot.

# by gaszefid on 04/09/06 at 20:00:56

ahah. that makes much more sense. in the menubar, go to edit > special characters... and there is a window with all sorts of fun stuff like that.

# by Maverick on 04/09/06 at 21:00:53

yeah, I meant the male/female, I did that, but I only have male symbols. By the way, the status icons are cool

# by bloofaerie on 02/01/07 at 13:43:03

Which status icons are those? I like em! Also how did you get that calendar date on your screen? I like that too. ~Thanks!

# by gaszefid on 02/02/07 at 21:51:09

those are my own status icons, you can find them here:

the calendar/time thing you can get by selecting the time in the menubar and clicking "open date & time..." on the bottom. from there click on clock, then select "view in window."

# by bloofaerie on 02/03/07 at 02:44:13

Thanks! :)

# by amykates on 02/04/07 at 17:13:35

Do you have a message style that matches both?

# by Maxwellian on 02/22/07 at 08:27:59

The artist, , wishes you to know the following:

"i did not give permission for my work to be used, and despite not being too upset that it has been, i am slightly annoyed that there isn't a link to my deviantart homepage - i think that my original authorship ought to be recognised."

An acknowledgment of his creative part in this would be greatly appreciated on his part, especially as you didn't have permission to use the work.

# by Katiia on 05/16/07 at 11:50:52

I Love It!

# by maryhmfn on 03/15/08 at 07:14:53

what theme are you using on your mac? i love it! if you dont mind telling, where did you get it? i love the icons! (:

# by jj_sykes on 01/07/09 at 10:46:07

how do you do the get adium out of the box window? so its seperate bubbles for each contact?

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Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 04/09/06
cpbrown (