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isQ icons

isQ icons

Submitted By Marius_Th - (Marius_Th)


Someone in the Adium Trac list asked for QQ support and mentioned "isQ" as the QQ messenger for Mac.
(QQ (sometimes TM for Tencent Messenger) is the most common IM software in China)

So I went to look isQ up on het net to see what the fuss of QQ was about, and found it had this adorable dock icon!
I couldn't find anyone else who tried to adopt this to an Adium icon yet so I made one myself and hope that people will like it.
(Especially for the chinese people who can now have at least a little bit of QQ on Adium ;) )

The base image used for the dock icon is owned by the makers of isQ, and comments on improving the away status icon are appreciated ^^;


Initial Release



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# by michelebugliaro on 04/03/06 at 13:53:51


# by waylandchin on 07/20/06 at 16:52:51

did you get isq to work?

# by Marius_Th on 07/21/06 at 09:41:03

Nope I didn't.

# by isiliel on 10/29/06 at 11:44:27

Wow, shiney! Very cute :)

# by tasmanian_devil on 05/01/07 at 23:15:45

Cute!! :D (I love hearts.. :-)

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226.81kb (858 downloads)

3.70 / 11 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 03/30/06
Credits go to the makers of isQ for the base image.