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Ghosty Service Icons

Ghosty Service Icons

Submitted By draconic


These service icons are based on pss's pss-2 service icons. I've been striving for some minimalisticness on the desktop and in apps, so I customized them by making them grayscale and reducing the opacity a bit, thus the "ghosty" name. These icons fit my needs well, and I hope you will enjoy them as well.


  • Added Gizmo Project icons
  • Boosted contrast to make them easier to see.



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# by Skunkie on 02/04/06 at 13:05:42

These look really nice! A cool addition would be the Gizmo Project Icon. Now excuse while I set Adium up to use these. ;)

# by draconic on 02/04/06 at 13:58:23

Thanks for the tip. Added the icon in a logical way, but if someone could confirm that it works that would be great.

# by biglittledragoon on 02/05/06 at 05:02:12

Nice! Works great with my contact list, which is grey and white.

# by RAPMANkev on 02/05/06 at 09:58:11

hmmm... Why Napster ?


# by draconic on 02/05/06 at 17:03:31

Napster was in the original pack, couldn't leave it out! :)

# by Wylinx on 03/10/06 at 12:44:08

It looks like GTalk is missing... Are you going to add it ?
However, I love this set, 5 ducks ;)

# by Chad on 06/10/07 at 20:38:18

Yeah, can you get a Gtalk one? :)

# by yuvrajparihar on 12/06/06 at 14:46:24

These are great... any chance you could add a Google Talk icon to this set?... 5 stars

# by narutokid63 on 03/25/07 at 21:11:43

boo! lol

# by monkie on 04/04/08 at 23:57:58

would love to see livejournal icons on the next update!

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130.86kb (5130 downloads)

2.40 / 96 votes
Current Version: 0.3
Last Updated: 02/04/06
pss, for original icons