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Floating Buddies!

Floating Buddies!

Submitted By Fernando Rojas (ColdFlame87)


Makes it look like your buddies' names are floating on your desktop. Pretty cool and makes it look like your opacity is set to 0 on both light and dark backgrounds. Please comment and rate!

Remember to set the opacity to the lowest you can go, and to set group bubbles (to fit)

Goes well with the Traffic Lights status icons by Iiro found here:


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by giaguara on 08/18/06 at 15:16:57

Pretty and simple. If only I'd manage to keep my desktop clean enough and not 100 apps open all the time...

# by jcrouch on 10/14/06 at 21:10:19

does anyone know how to make the actual chat window 'borderless' and use a transparent background the way the contact list can? is there a plugin out there that does this?

# by kkvshredda on 10/28/06 at 19:19:35

i have too many friends for it to float

# by skshockey17 on 02/12/07 at 16:11:48

hey just wondering... where did u get that first background u have of just the 1 guitar?

# by AISLINNCHLOE on 04/26/07 at 20:04:29

uhmm i have a lot of buddies...and is there anyway to get rid of the scroll bar on the side of my buddylist

# by RDeis on 10/11/07 at 21:30:07

It's pretty good, but it only works over desktops. If you open light windows with that it's pretty obvious what's going on. ^^; otherwise pretty neat, though.

# by bm3086 on 03/20/09 at 04:25:32

hey where did you get those icons for your HD and storage on your desktop?

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3.56kb (25117 downloads)

3.70 / 145 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/07/06