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Skype Sounds v2

Skype Sounds v2

Submitted By Black Leopard (blckleprd)


Ask and ye shall receive! This is v2 of Skype Sounds, created to fit in with the new default sounds in Skype. I left Skype Sounds v1 up because some people might like it more.

Share And Enjoy!


Update (2.1): Soundset has been fixed so that now it is selectable in Adium if you have the older pack installed as well. Sorry guys!


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# by seanieb on 05/05/06 at 21:06:21

Hi, I seem to have found a bug, The soundset does not appear for me in the main soundset selection menu, but is in the sound edit setting menu for individual sounds.

# by blckleprd on 05/05/06 at 21:48:23

Click the install link on the sidebar of this page, then once it's done installing, go to the events tab in the Adium preferences. Once there, set the two top drop-down menus to "Skype Sounds". That should get them working. Let me know if you have any trouble!

# by seanieb on 05/06/06 at 13:13:27

Still, nothing, does it matter that v1 is installed?

# by blckleprd on 05/06/06 at 22:44:06

It might. Try uninstalling it and making sure Adium is up to date. Then try again. I'm not having any trouble here, so I'm not usre what it could be.

# by ToPPi on 05/20/06 at 11:07:40

Hi, same problem here. It's possible to manually select the individual sounds, but the complete sound-set does not show up. (adiumx 0.89.1 - even removed /Library/Adium 2.0/ and tried a clean install)

# by ajamison on 08/11/06 at 00:02:16

Same problem as the others.

# by Shdwflame on 11/13/06 at 22:07:10

This is a great sound set, but the only problem is the same as the others, not being able to select the entire sound set in the menu. Otherwise perfect!


# by Jomatotu on 01/17/07 at 23:39:54


You forgot to gave the text file the right name:

All you have to do if you downloaded it and it doesn't work is:

Make a contextclick on the Soundseticon (need to use download and not install link before)
select "show package content"
Youll see the soundfiles and a textfile. Mark the textfile and rename it into "Skype Sounds v2.txt"
(you see that the v2 is missing)

afterwards close the window and doubleclick the icon to install. It should now work.

And admin: Please change it upload the new fixed version and tell us.

Its a great set!

# by blckleprd on 01/17/07 at 23:47:15

All fixed, I think. Let me know if there are any more problems.

# by Jomatotu on 01/18/07 at 01:49:47


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454.07kb (36552 downloads)

3.50 / 53 votes
Current Version: 2.1
Last Updated: 01/17/07
All Sounds From Skype.