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Tablets 4

Tablets 4

Submitted By Richard Gilbert (dcentity2000)


Ever since the initial release of Tablets, I've been trying to replicate the style of the pack with more refinement and finesse. It's taken me ages (and quite a few version numbers) to get to this. So here it is: Tablets 4, shown below in Cocoa. The original icons remain up for prosperity :)

There. That's what we call an anti-climax ;)


4.2 Changes: fixed typing indicator
4.1 Changes: now one colour for every status (I think)


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# by mathuaerknedam on 12/03/05 at 15:59:26

Looks good. How about a version where *all* of the various icon states are differently colored tablets?

# by dcentity2000 on 12/03/05 at 16:38:03

Workin' on that now

# by dcentity2000 on 12/03/05 at 17:28:54


# by mathuaerknedam on 12/12/05 at 11:29:29

Huh. It's odd, I never received an email about your replies.

I just downloaded the latest version, but I'm still seeing a pencil for "typing" and a rectangle for "new content". I even manually deleted the old version and reinstalled, just in case.

# by Junpei on 12/14/05 at 16:08:37

Very nice! I always liked the Tablets, great to have a upgraded complete set.

# by lalalalalala on 12/30/05 at 21:35:50

luv them they r xso groov lpluss i cant find that bakground any were

# by lalalalalala on 12/30/05 at 21:36:25

soz ma typing has gottin shoking sinse skool hollidays

# by mistermagooey on 02/05/10 at 06:54:46

"Busy" status and "Away" status are the same color..

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127.8kb (3052 downloads)

3.70 / 38 votes
Current Version: 4.2
Last Updated: 12/03/05