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King Graphite

King Graphite

Submitted By Boramor



This theme incorporates a graphite minimal contactlist with some smooth icons by 'Decentity' and uses a font called silkscreen for maximum visibility. Also, a wallpaper by Mandolux is included for optimal viewing pleasure.

Don't forget to set the theme's opacity to 5% in the preferences.

NOTE: Be sure to download the package instead of installing it, as it won't install the font and/or wallpaper!


Version 1.1
- Updated info.



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# by 61Tipo61 on 11/28/05 at 22:50:37

Whoa! Niiiice style. That's a cool background too, nice job. Is there a place where this desktop pic came from that might have more like it? :P

# by Boramor on 11/29/05 at 02:57:31

Yes, the wallpaper is by Mandolux of

# by 61Tipo61 on 11/29/05 at 16:20:29

These are great wallpapers, Thank you! and kudos to mandoulx, if he or she reads this :P

# by Madyi33 on 02/02/06 at 14:29:32

I love it, but I installed the font however my font on the contacts list is still the same. Is there something else I need to do?

# by Boramor on 02/02/06 at 14:33:52

Try to set the font in the preferences of the contact list. ;)

# by fu. on 03/17/06 at 14:27:16

..sweet work!

# by Saud_Matrix on 09/12/08 at 21:28:13

Kick-ass style! A message style would be great too! Thanks =)

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614.32kb (41432 downloads)

3.90 / 124 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 11/26/05
Mandolux, Decentity.