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Submitted By Aaron Roper (roper)


This is my first dock icon so please tell me what you think.

Basically I was inspired by some of the icons over at and decided to try my hand at making a dock icon with them.



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# by m2e on 11/24/05 at 23:12:52

these r awesome! good work!

# by roper on 11/25/05 at 04:22:17

im considering speeding up the time between image changes for the icon when it connects to the network

# by biglittledragoon on 11/25/05 at 14:45:41

For me, the speed is good like that. More speed, will really be too speed.

# by biglittledragoon on 11/25/05 at 14:37:19

Wonderful! It looks like some game icon (Metroid).
FIVE ducks!

# by DeathAxe on 11/25/05 at 14:43:51

wow! wonderfu!

# by michelebugliaro on 11/26/05 at 11:20:53


# by Teifion on 11/26/05 at 14:42:34

I've had a set of these icons for AGES, I got them from a while back, still, they are nice.

# by Disabler on 11/26/05 at 20:33:08

I'm having trouble explaining what I think of this, so I'll just say: awesome!

# by ster on 11/27/05 at 23:13:00

pretty sweet

# by MsSolberg on 12/30/05 at 17:08:23

hmm.. cool stuff, but the different symbol doesnt express what it mean. which one are for Away, for an example?

# by tish on 08/08/06 at 12:25:58

they're nice but i agree ,with MsSolberg

# by zipper on 10/03/06 at 15:45:49

ohh-uhhh....i love it! *installs* looks very cool!

# by Mantis on 05/27/07 at 06:03:56

Yeah, im not downloading those till that is fixed... /agree with MsSolberg

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182.19kb (9741 downloads)

4.20 / 86 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 11/19/05
Akio Orii - The original creator of the icons