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Vectory Ducks 4.5 |
Submitted By Sam Gwilym (SamGwilym) |
DescriptionA set of brand new, image conscious ducks, made with vectors and a lot of love. Comes in 8 colours.Initiated by the animated Vectory duck icon by Radek, this new collection now includes all the default Adium duck colours and more! Featuring world renowned colours such as: yellow, the mysterious and enigmatic Blue, a juicy and delicious shade of Purple, the exciting and wild Red, the classic Green, the stylish Black, the pure and simple White, and now the positively sumptuous Pink Of course, all these variations blink, flap, turn, go invisible and look drowsy whenever they need to! Please check the changes to see what the newer version has - lots of cool new things. Sure the away Duck looks a little bit evil and leering, but that's part of the charm, right? If you would also like some icons like these especially made for the crash reporter, check these out. If you also would like to perhaps play around with the icons, you are also free to edit the ducks contained in the .AdiumIcon packages, or download the EPS files of the ducks here (however these do not have any shading, shadows, or stroke). Changes4.5The sleeping state now looks even more asleep that it did before! The away state now has more visual difference than just doped eyes - without the use of a sign. And with feet. Take a gander below for how they look. Little fix Just did some .plist stuff 4.0 Polishing time. Honed those outlines to be as smooth as possible, baby Got those shadows into a healthy fuzz rather than that cold, edgy look Gave each and every duck its own eye colour. Still taking the medication Added Pink for you girly girls out there Made black more black. It looked silly. Added own connection thing. You might not even notice. 3.0 Huge changes! Added stroke for definition Added new improved flapping state Added Idle state Added Invisible state Made a better shadow Fleshed out the duck a bit more Added the White duck to the collection Fixed a bug under 10.3.9 that caused icons to appear faded 2.5 Made the shadows softer Made shadows fit within icon, taking away nasty cutoff Added the Black Duck 2.0 Big changes! Completely redid all the other colours from scratch (as opposed to a simple hue shift) and this gets rid of the beak halo issue and other inconsistencies. Reworked all frames of animation, but a big thanks to Radek on taking the initiative early on. A softer, more Mac OS X Shadow was added Better naming scheme so now all the Vectory Ducks live together in one big clump. The filesize has also improved, at a mere third of what it used to be. Joy. 1.1 Stopped crediting myself. Took away silly eye candy garbage that messed up the quick install feature CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by AgentPhoenix on 11/14/05 at 19:10:45Love the ducks! Just one suggestion ... soften the shadows under the icons to look more like the shadows under other OS X icons. Besides that, love 'em.
# by ianlafo on 11/17/05 at 22:26:23There seems to be a green 'halo' around the blue vector duck's beak. It's not the most annoying thing in the world, but still very noticeable. Especially in the application switcher (the cmd-tab thingy)
# by SamGwilym on 11/18/05 at 04:22:25For the next update, I'll make sure to update the shadows, rename the files, and sort out this beak aura thing, which is understandably irritating. Adobe CS2 is winging it's way to me via post, so as soon as I get that I'll get cracking with that. ;)
# by Walrus on 12/01/05 at 16:39:31Colors appear very faded and faint for me.
# by SamGwilym on 12/01/05 at 16:58:53That's odd... would you mind sending me a screenshot at samgwilym@gmail.com? Thanks.
# by Walrus on 12/01/05 at 22:20:09Screen shot sent. Hope you can make the proper adjustments, because I liked the pre-2.0 icons.
# by SamGwilym on 12/02/05 at 03:32:17It's odd, because you seem to be the only case of this happening so far - I'll send you another zip that comes out nice over here by email, and see how it turns out.
# by Niclas on 12/04/05 at 11:22:39They are faint for me to, I'm using the latest Beta of AdiumX and MacOS 10.3.9. It would be great if you could fix this bug Sam :)
# by SamGwilym on 12/04/05 at 12:15:22I have a smidgeon of an idea as to what it is - it's something to do with interlaced PNGs. I've run all of the icons through PNGcrusher so as to make the filesize better, but this seems to have compromised the icons for people below 10.4.
I will make a fix for the 3.0 version - hang on in there. # by cbarrett on 12/03/05 at 17:45:21These are getting better and better, Sam.
Anyone else with me when I say that we might be ready for an icon switch in the not-so-distant future? # by evands on 12/03/05 at 19:26:27I like the current icons a lot better, personally... the vectory ones are a neat set, don't get me wrong, but: the softer edges look out of place in the dock, the wings look too amorphous in the 'alert' state, there is no indication of away in a clearly demarcated way, and there is no idle state at all... I don't mean any of this as an insult to the xtra but rather as an argument for it not being made the Adium default.
# by cbarrett on 12/04/05 at 22:36:28IMO, the current icon is starting to look a little stale. And we *do* get a lot of comments about the duck. I agree; in its current state, it's not ready. But our current icon isn't perfect either, and I think something new and shiny would be great for the new shiny 1.0 version.
# by zacw on 12/05/05 at 03:05:41I think the main complaint is that it's a duck, not that the duck looks silly.
# by wschamps04 on 12/17/05 at 19:32:53I second Colin. I'd make it the default icon complete with all colors, but leave the old icons in there as an alternative to people who like those, but I absolutely LOVE these icons.
-Ben # by Diatribe on 12/19/05 at 20:43:29The only two problems I have with these is that it is pretty hard to tell the away from the available state. Especially with the white duck. And the other thing is that there is no indication of idle AND away, it will always show the away state. Other than that the graphics are AWESOME. Great work all around I can't stress that enough, really great.
Now if I could only have a vectorized version of this: http://www.adiumxtras.com/index.php?a...xtra_id=833 I'd be a happy camper. :D # by kjdenison on 01/29/06 at 15:07:32These are making incredible progress. Keep pushing them further, I look forward to seeing updates!!
# by SamGwilym on 01/29/06 at 15:55:04What do you think would help them improve? How can I push these ducks the extra mile? What should I dooooooo?
# by kjdenison on 01/29/06 at 16:07:56The main thing I notice is that when the icons are larger the subtle details are beautiful. When they are small on your dock which is always, they get lost and its hard to appreciate them. It's hard to say what it would look like if they were enhanced a bit. It may not look better. They are close to perfection because I have a hard time finding things to improve. I would mess around with making more natural colors as well.
# by ultraman on 01/30/06 at 14:10:52The best icon set I've seen so far.
If I'm right, you posted it in macthemes forums not so long ago, I hope comments helped you :) # by thejokell on 02/26/06 at 01:53:38I love these icons with one exception: the away state. The duck doesn't appear away - it looks stoned. ;)
I'm not sure of a better way to do it without using something like the signpost. I've actually edited them for my personal use to use the old away signpost... # by miffy on 05/27/06 at 06:11:58Absolutely loved it. It's really cool to have its back turned while idled.
Personally, I perfer the simplicity of the drowsy look to putting up an away sign. Thanks for the great design. # by cbarrett on 06/09/06 at 08:31:57The feetses are excellent. I'm lovin' the new ones already.
# by ispytonyv on 06/09/06 at 13:13:43I like the changes... but is it me or would having the feet/more lowered head on the sleep state make more sense? I don't know much about the habits of ducks, but if I'm just "away" (perhaps around but distracted by something else or daydreaming) my head would be less hunched and my feet in their normal position, where as if I was sleeping me head would be even lower and my feet would be up.
Does that sound right to anybody or am I crazy? Good icons either way! # by ToPPi on 06/17/06 at 11:26:34The old away duck looked better! :-) But anyway: very nice work!
# by alexks3 on 07/12/06 at 11:00:00Can an orange duck be made? That would be amazing. Still this is the best Xtra.
# by enkuturi-akrias on 11/25/06 at 13:28:47yeah a orange one!i like the orange
this is the better xtra in the world!!! i love it! im using it and i never will change it. very good job sam # by camassacre on 01/05/07 at 21:33:15These icons are perfect. Great job. I have a question. This sounds stupid but I don't know how to make my own icons for adium. I tried using candybar but it doesn't work with adium. Do you think you could do me a favor... I have a .icn file for the icon I would like to use. Let me know if you could do this for me. I have a theme that goes perfect with the icon I want to use. It would be much appreciated.
# by tasmanian_devil on 04/06/07 at 02:52:01You should try making them themed- holidays and seasonals, places [like with a scene in the bg] and then soften some of the colors- as in make a pale style! but they are my favorite ducks ever!! I loved the adium ducks, but they look kinda all ruffly and so I use these because I love ducks, but the adium ducks are a little lacking- so these are smooth and clean and crisp so they are perfectly perfect and I hope you make more vecotry ducks!! Keep it up!! :-) :3 :-D ;-)
# by bassman92 on 08/29/07 at 01:05:15this is a great set, i would love it if someone could make a vectory type menubar set, i really want like the purple
# by creator2456 on 11/04/07 at 21:58:30These icons are great...should be included with Adim from the get go.
Always one of the first downloads along with Adium on any new mac. # by blinQ on 11/07/07 at 07:45:10take a look at this ticket:
http://trac.adiumx.com/ticket/828...9#comment:2 maybe you are able to help there. # by boki on 06/21/09 at 07:05:46Hi, I love these clean looking ducks! It's a pity that in Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) the icons are too low a resolution to display clean. Would you be able to make all the icons 512 pixels in size?
# by MKuhlberg on 03/19/10 at 20:16:09these are great the only thing is you added a shadow to them, since the dock draws shadows by seperatly these now have a very very dark one wich looks off next to the rest of the dock. oh well im using a dark dock now anyway :P these do look amazing otherwise good job :)
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# by zacw on 11/13/05 at 15:37:35
# by zacw on 11/13/05 at 15:37:53
# by star123 on 12/02/07 at 14:26:06
# by star123 on 12/02/07 at 14:26:43