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Submitted By Adam Henson (ether)


Finally! Ethereal 3.0, now with:
  • 8 Flavors of bubble!
  • Smooth bubble fade-in effects!
  • Alternate icon support!
  • Completely rewritten code! No more breakage when you stretch the window!

  • If you are upgrading from Ethereal 2.0, please restart Adium after installing.
  • The window background is transparent by default, if you'd like to use a background, simply check "Use Custom Background" in Message Prefs, and drop your background image onto the adjacent square.

Ethereal Thin is Ethereal without the new bubble fade-in effect. This is useful on slower computers, or if you just hate the effect.


3.0 - Bubbles rewritten to use CSS3. Colors and alternate styles added. Fade effects added - thanks Renkoo!


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by katlady81 on 10/18/05 at 14:26:36

Thank you! I was trying to do it on my own (make the bubbles more transparent) but I guess I'm no good at fiddling with adium stuff yet.
But I had a question. Can you possibly made the chat bubbles not a white transparency, but more like a transparent "glass bubble" kind of look? that is what I've been trying to do. I don't want it to be white, and I want there to be SOME bubble there, but I was trying to give it a glass-bubble look, if you can understand what I'm talking about.

# by gottacoppafeel on 10/18/05 at 15:03:46

ya where in the file can i change the white to make a trans-black?
very nice work! 4 duckheads!

# by ether on 10/18/05 at 21:33:42

Thank you both for the comments :)

Trans black would be easy enough to do (if I can find my original PSD files). Glass bubbles would be harder, I'd have to widen the PNG's at the ends of the bubble (to give that "curved", or beveled, glass effect), which would increase the minimum window size. I'll toy around with them and see if I get a result I like.

# by sopu on 10/19/05 at 04:04:32

Thanx!! - I have been using Smooth Operator for a long time, but your style just got my default one :)

P.S:: the glass effect would also be very nice I think, if you can get it to work ...

# by aechase on 10/26/05 at 19:01:18

I use a borderless, transparent black contact list, and I'd really love to see a matching message view style. This (awesome) style of yours is SO close. Any chance of at least a transparent background mod?

# by cmax34 on 02/07/07 at 17:57:24

he is you possible to have this messagestyle but with a transparent bottom like the bottom of atomos 2.5 ????

# by scubasteve3715 on 05/13/07 at 01:32:15

Would it be possible to hide the window border when the mouse is not over it and just have glass bubbles? my buddy list is just transparent bubbles and it would nice to have a message theme to match it. thanks

# by bassman92 on 08/29/07 at 01:10:23

it would be great if you were to allows us to get rid of the border and customise the background, the contacts names, the messages bubbles colour would be even more amazing if we had the opportunity to change their colour to match the back ground and change the transparency, but as of now, this is an amazing message style, i've had it as long as i have had adium pretty much, THANKS!!!! 4.8 Ducks out of 5

# by Beaeuge on 09/15/07 at 14:10:39

yeah its nice... and bassman92's idea is really good (i was also thinking of that) and if you get to do the glass bubble thing being sort of transparent, with any type of background wold look great!

# by prach on 10/13/07 at 22:16:38

wow. amazing. great job. thank you so much!!!

# by CArringt on 10/22/07 at 13:56:05

I love this and it's exactly what I've been looking for but I have a couple wishes.
1. There is on single white bar along the side, please make it go away
2. Make the bar at the top go away.

I guess that's it. I want it to look like the messages are actually floating on my desktop, like a interactive growl system.

Love what you're done.


# by jpfeffer on 10/27/07 at 19:35:05

i love this but is there a way to make the status bubbles larger? when anyone i am talking to has a large away message, it runs off the bubble and is impossible to be seen. thanks!

# by lowen on 11/11/07 at 01:29:09

No scrollbar = win.

# by theadamkramer on 12/27/07 at 23:35:41

I really like your idea for having the scrollbar be invisible, but when i tried to do it on a theme i was making it made it so i couldn't scroll upwards did you get around this problem?? I tried scroll:auto and it didn't work :-(

# by Seelos on 01/15/08 at 21:53:08

The vertical line is gone all of a sudden...yay!

# by Seelos on 01/15/08 at 21:53:54

# by atv.dude.15 on 04/13/08 at 06:22:43

can u giv me the url to that cool orange picture? with the lady on the hill?
it looks really coool.

# by butterflyjoe on 08/28/08 at 02:53:14

How would one alter this so that there is an alternating icon variety? (like in most other message styles)

# by murderhesays on 09/11/08 at 02:56:59

i really love the transparency, but would like more options, such as the colors of user names and the alternating of the icons (like the last commenter)

# by ether on 09/11/08 at 04:41:19

Ethereal 3 will be coming out in the next few months when I have some time. Now that webkit supports CSS3, I plan to support an infinite number of color combinations (including bubble background colors and opacities), to fix the breakage at >1000px window widths, and to add an alternating icon option since that's a community desire.

# by wunschbrunnen on 09/26/08 at 11:33:11

nice work!!

# by HtownHunk on 11/25/08 at 12:32:47

I have this downloaded and I'm SO EXCITED TO USE IT, but no matter which variation I click for the messaging style, it won't change from the first "Fog" option. I'll open a new window after selection "Cloud, with Scrollbar", and it's Fog-style. I quit and restart, Fog. I redownload, Fog. Help?

# by mashby on 01/07/09 at 17:29:18

HtownHunk - I found that all archived messages are in the "Fog" style, but all new messages received are in the other style of your choice. Hope that helps!

Also, really looking forward to version 3!

# by ether on 06/16/10 at 05:20:39

Hi mashby,

I know it's been a year, but your wish has finally come true! Ethereal 3 is out :)

# by T1NOESCOBAR on 05/15/09 at 04:49:16

I've come across a strange issue. Up until a few minutes ago, I was using Ethereal message theme, with the "Smoke (Scrollbar)".

My font was and always has been white with this particular message them. I restarted my computer, and now, the font that I have is only black, and I cannot seem to fix this and change it back. I have tried in the preferences, changing the "set font" color wheel, everything. I can't get it to go back to white, and with my background, it's impossible to use anything dark.

Any suggestions anyone?

# by DeusNovus on 03/25/10 at 21:18:20

Is there anyway you can remove the duck icons?

# by jobotslash on 11/24/10 at 23:06:45

I second this - I love the transparency, but I don't like icons in my message. Any way to take them out completely?

# by jobotslash on 11/24/10 at 23:07:00

I second this - I love the transparency, but I don't like icons in my message. Any way to take them out completely?

# by rob-to86 on 06/16/10 at 00:20:04

Hot! :)

# by dirtyHippy on 02/03/11 at 08:27:32

Sometimes when using this theme my shadows don't line up with the edge of the message bubbles. Sometimes the shadows are simply offset from where they should be, other times it's like they're shadowing message bubbles that are wider than they actually are. Is anyone else having this issue?

# by rob-to86 on 04/17/11 at 03:32:57

ether, could you share the blue background in the first screenshot?

# by xescalation on 04/25/11 at 08:40:56

My only comment is I'd love to see the theme with larger icons. That'd be perfect.

# by BakaPhoenix on 04/11/12 at 20:31:04

I'm Adding at the request! XD

# by boywithumbrella on 09/05/11 at 15:33:16

I've been using this theme for a while and I love it!
recently I came by to see if it's been updated (yes it has ^_^) and noticed, that you don't have the weird "jagged shadow" effect that I took for granted with transparent background:

Do you have any thoughts as to why that's happening, and what I could do to prevent this?

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Current Version: 3.0
Last Updated: 06/16/10
Adam Henson
Fadomatic modified from Renkoo