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Gems Remix

Gems Remix

Submitted By Diatribe


This is just a remix of the original gems status icons to match my universal theme.
I made this mostly for myself but I thought I'd share if someone else likes it. Comments are welcome :)

Blue - Available
Grey - Away
Transparent - Idle
Orange - Writing
Nothing - Offline



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# by air__devil on 09/07/05 at 15:48:55

I love it! Thank you, my friend!

# by ytrozs on 10/03/05 at 20:18:05

Note to other red-green colorblind Adium users: I was having issues with the yellow (idle) and green (available) icons. This solved my problem nicely. Thanks much!

# by Diatribe on 10/11/05 at 15:11:09

Thanks for the nice comments. I am currently working on a much nicer version of status icons with about the same colors but I have no ETA yet on when I will be able to finish these as I am pretty busy right now.
I am glad though that you guys like it. :)

# by Diatribe on 11/27/05 at 05:25:55

My new status icon set is there. :)
You can find it here:

# by westcoast021 on 03/04/08 at 03:18:30

very the blue, white and grey tired of too much colour and pizzazz happening in so many other themes! thank you so much :)

# by csophie on 05/04/09 at 23:53:26

Hi, love it, coz im not using contact list - instead i use message window with open tabs on the right side, its much more comfortable and with Your icons - i immidiately see who online and whos not (offline tabs dont have any icons at all:)

I was wondering if there was a possibilty to make another version of this with green-red icons? It would better fit my screen colors, i love those greens:D

# by KBS117 on 05/21/09 at 00:37:49

if you could add a mobile icon that would be great!

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 09/06/05