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Better Who Script

Better Who Script

Submitted By Matt Schinckel (schinckel)


A better script for the %_who command - includes the original (still %_who), but also includes a '/who' version that uses the display name, and creates nice links if the protocol can handle them.

/who tells the person you are chatting to who else you are chatting to at the same time.


New in 0.6: works with Adium 1.2.4

May be some issues with various protocol helpers and other applications that don't know how to handle or display them properly.

Love to hear any feedback about links that don't work as expected!


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# by evands on 08/26/05 at 16:10:17

Now that's some good applescript usage :)

# by iambatman on 10/11/05 at 03:55:27

wot does this script do?

# by Ringo on 07/28/06 at 03:56:13

It outputs a list of current conversations.

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4.20 / 9 votes
Current Version: 0.6
Last Updated: 04/08/08
Chris Lawson, Reikon