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Beyond Good & Evil

Beyond Good & Evil

Submitted By Rod (Sypherod)


I made my first soundset of my favorite game Beyond Good & Evil. I hope people will like this so far.

I'm planning to update this with different sounds and such in the future; still trying to get more sounds I like from the game. Also, I am plannning to change the sounds of Message Recieved and Sent in next update.
  • Here's the list in SoundSet:
    • "Connected"

    • "Contact Signed On"

    • "Contact Signed Off"

    • "Initial Message Received"

    • "Message Received"

    • "Message Sent"

    • "Contact Returned from Away"

    • "Contact Returned from Idle"

    • "Contact Went Away"

    • "Contact Went Idle"

    • "Disconnected"

    • "Error"



A new shorter version with new sounds.

The following sounds are gone:
"Contact Returned from Away"
"Contact Returned from Idle"
"Contact Went Away"
"Contact Went Idle"


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# by Basileus on 08/28/05 at 09:26:15

the sounds are way too long imho

# by Sypherod on 08/28/05 at 10:04:26

I will make them shorter in the next update. If there is anything else, please tell me.

# by sircrispin on 02/20/06 at 15:35:07

Beyond Good and Evil rocks!! I like the sound set, but I think you should have a different sound for becoming idle to going away, and likewise for returning from. I don't know if you've updated the set since the original comment, but the only sound that I think could be considered too long is the "new message" one, but it's very cool and I think you should leave it. Quite cool :)

# by Joebob on 02/26/06 at 16:27:07

I love the game, and these sounds are lovely, they're just sadly not suited to message alerts etc. If you could shorten them, and take out the speech, that'd be great!

# by JFSOCC on 11/24/06 at 08:20:41

Hey Sypheroid, there is a dedicated fan community around, dedicated to seeing a sequel.

perhaps you should check us out, and join the revolution!

I hope to see you there soon.
(we're making a website, a gamewiki page, and lots of fan art and fan-fiction. besides that its just a nice place to go, with character battles and even an online role-playing game

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Last Updated: 04/13/07
Christphe Heral, Micheal Ancel, Ubisoft