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Submitted By Zebulun (drauh)


A port of Alan W's Ambience soundset for Proteus.


Updated to work with Adium 1.0.


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by on 07/14/05 at 14:17:03

Excellent sound set! I am using it! Great simple, nonintrusive sounds. Not too loud, not too soft. Perfect. 5 ducks.

# by on 07/15/05 at 00:38:08

Ah, it's perfect.

# by Anonymous on 07/15/05 at 04:48:51


# by Camthalion on 07/15/05 at 05:14:52

Perfect, 5 Ducks.

# by Dumbledore132 on 07/15/05 at 14:11:18

Excuse me, Anonymous, or (x), you probably haven't even downloaded it so stop insulting it... it's really good... you probably don't even have Adium, you probably don't know what it is so stop getting kicks out of insulting other people's work.

# by Félix on 07/15/05 at 18:37:36

Great :)

# by Joli on 07/16/05 at 04:06:17


# by Superjeremy3000 on 07/20/05 at 12:13:22

theres not supposed to be any sound for contact sign on and contact sign off, is there?

# by on 07/20/05 at 12:29:48

no, there are no separate sounds for those events. just contact-online and contact-offline. you'll have to double up on the sounds.

# by on 07/28/05 at 14:39:18

ah weird, good to see this in use :) especially since i've made the move to adium as well!

# by 61Tipo61 on 08/26/05 at 21:51:10

This is Awesome! *sets as his new soundset*

# by SamGwilym on 11/29/05 at 13:56:08

Excellent soundset. Unobtrusive and moody. :)

# by Skunkie on 12/24/05 at 06:24:58

The only sound set for me! 5 Ducks :D

# by slyydrr on 04/08/06 at 00:15:56

I created an account specifically to post and say that this sound set is perfect. Exactly what everyone else seems to say--non-intrusive yet still audible. I love it! 5 ducks from me!

# by warre on 04/10/06 at 06:04:21

I am really happy with it! 5 duckies for you! =)

# by wraven on 07/23/06 at 15:13:09

I will accept no substitutes, the best I've used so far. Well done.

# by downeastboi on 08/09/06 at 11:58:25

Wow, this is an awesome soundset!

# by clowntoe on 09/14/06 at 13:44:59

Excellent soundset with the perfect name.

# by minimenchmuncher on 12/18/06 at 01:27:36

It is lovely. Absolutely lovely. Would it be possible to make the contact sign on and sign off sounds a bit louder?

# by damian on 01/28/07 at 11:04:35

great soundset, you get 5 from me :)

# by enkuturi-akrias on 02/04/07 at 23:13:57

This is really good. im using it. is unobstrusibe, and sounds good, also, it combines with the OS

# by mcnalzer on 06/11/07 at 17:22:15

I think this is a brilliant soundset, but when im listening to music it seems loud over the music, I don't want you to go and edit all the volumes or everything but I think it would be a good idea if the Adium team put in a feature so if you want you can stop sound alerts when music is playing and replace them with a growl alert.

# by RAlfieri on 11/01/07 at 16:21:40

Very Zen. Thanks!

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387.1kb (48286 downloads)

3.60 / 497 votes
Current Version: 0.2
Last Updated: 02/03/07
Alan W